
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

When all else fails... simplify

Well, I just couldn't stand it. The painting in my previous post was bugging me so much that I just had to paint over it. I know simplifying sometimes works so as I was painting over all the flowers this kinda caught my eye. Maybe I will just add the stems and call it done. I have fiddled way to long with this one.  Maybe add one more flowers to make it an odd number????---there I go fiddling again. See ya later painting.

More paintings...

This was the last of my beveled canvases that I have had for a long time so I am glad I finally used them. This was a floral that didn't get painted over but it got worked and worked and finally after adding the white over the red flowers I liked it even though as I am looking at it online my light source is wrong. Maybe I will fix it and repost it later. I have to let them sit for a few days and see if it is finished. I am still working on glass. It's pretty tricky.

These are called drip trees and Bob Burridges taught us to do this in his landscape class. They are fun to paint.  Not much control here. That's what I think is hard about Burridge's painting style, It's controlled chaos. So far I have the chaos part perfected. I might try some more of these. This one is actually a big one.  I added some Nova Color fluorescent paint to the edges of the trees to make it have intense backlighting but I don't want it to look like it's a forest fire. It might be too much so again, I have to sit with this one for a few day and decide later whether to tone it down.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Surreal Trees

These two started out as florals then I painted over that and tried florals again and painted over that so now they are trees. I think they will stay as trees but maybe they need something else. I have to look at them for several days.  I was painting out in the red shed in the back so I was able to sling paint everywhere.  The weather has been so nice here. I love November weather here in Florida. These two canvases have a beveled edge so I thought I would hit the edge with the sander for some interest.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Blue Pear etc...

Yes, it's a blue pear. I was feeling adventurous today. Maybe I will paint a pink one tomorrow. This one is 12 x 12 and the sides are black. The pear below is just a practice pear on gessoed watercolor paper because I have a larger canvas prepared and I was trying out colors. So maybe I will go for it on my larger canvas.

This painting below is one more that started out really terrible and actually came out ok. I really painted some bad ones today and had to paint over them and start again. I keep telling myself that we only learn by our mistakes.
We only learn by our mistakes...we only learn by our mistakes...we only learn by our mistakes...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Definitely sweet

I have some new Letraset Markers that I used to color the faces. I am not sure if I like them better than Copic markers but they are really nice and blend really well. As you see I am using my grid paper because sometimes it's great to draw a face with a grid. It helps to get the features straight.
PS to Anonymous comment:
These girls are drawn in a fanciful manner. They are not intended to be realistic.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

She's a redo--

I am not really sure if I really make these girls better but I really have been wanting to change her face for a long time. Sometimes my girls come out really happy but sometimes they tend to smirk at me and I can't make them stop. She is one of those that has a little more of a smirk than a smile. Just like children sometimes my girls just have a attitude. I do like her though. And her little bird friend is saying, "I think you look beautiful with your new face."

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Here's a good tip...

Well not only did I spill gesso on the rug I also left one of my favorite brushes in acrylic paint for several days and you know what that petrifies the brush as we all know and have probably done. Well don't throw it away so fast. Bob Burridges has great tips and this is one that works! He washes all of his brushes with Murphy's Oil Soap and makes them all like new. If you petrify a brush just soak it in Murphys for 24 to 48 hours and it dissolves all the paint and makes it like new. This brush is like new again. Good ole Murpheys! It's magic stuff!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Worst nightmare realized...


Yes,  my greatest fear happened on Saturday. I dropped this brand new jar of black gesso on my precious little oriental rug. Why do I have a precious little oriental rug in my studio? Well, I just love it and wanted it there. Yes, crazy, I know---an accident waiting to happen---that happened! I am always so careful but yesterday as I was taking the gesso to the little red shed it slipped out of my hand and the top broke. I think I was actually in shock but then I screamed bloody murder and I was afraid the neighbors were really going to think it was a bloody murder. 
But as you see I dragged the rug outside and quickly squirted it with the water hose and it started to wash off. Of course I had it all over me and Bucky has a black fanny.
Maybe I have saved it. I am not sure but I think so. 
Then there was the wood floor. Oh my goodness--it was a mess. I finally had to call Chauncey at work to come home and HELP!

So my thoughts are this on painting big. I have to do it outside. To paint freely the way I want to I just can't do it inside. 
The weather has been so nice that I could paint in the shed. Maybe I will try and make it so that I have have a little air conditioner unit out there. It would need some walls and ...well no need to discuss plans here.
Anyway, I did paint a little bit today and I have a few starts here. I am starting several and coming back to finish them up. I am going to try to have lots of paintings going at once. This is very new for me and WAY out of my comfort zone.
Here they are so far.

See what a big mess this makes??

Friday, November 18, 2011


 This is one of the most relaxing things for me to do. I love to alpha doodle in any journal that is close by. This one is a soft bound Moleskine. The paper is pretty good for markers and pens but doesn't take watercolor too well. When I alpha doodles I use lots of different styles including CalligraFun, Elvie Cursives (Lori) and Versadoodles. It's fun and I am always trying to find words to write. As you see, sometimes I get stuck on one word! I need to keep my list of words right next to me.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Think Positive...Paint Negative

I am trying to retrain my brain to paint the negative shape rather than the positive.
 "Think positive but paint negative!"
This girl is one of the "starts" from one of my classes. The whole page was just a mess of paints, mostly reds on the page. I then painted the negative figure shape and "fashioned" her into a girl who might be dancing or just throwing her arms up. 
All the figures we painted in the class seemed to have a personality or a story.
Painting negative is not easy so far but with practice hopefully it will get easier.

Below is just one of the exercises in painting a quick figure with light into dark and dark into light. When I sat down to do it it was confusing but it looked so easy when he did it. This fella tells a story too. He could be a tightrope walker or a dancer. These are done very quickly. It was a fun exercise and I will practice more of these. Burridges calls these our little art sketches for a larger painting or even a little masterpiece as it is.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Supplies goodies I bought

I had one day of rest and today I have been going through my purchases (YIKES) so I thought since I don't have new showable art then I will show you some supplies I purchased. 

First of all here is my permission slip from Burridge to create art without fear and discouragement.
 "Just keep painting until it looks right!"
I think sometimes I get frustrated too quickly. Bob Burridge has 30 paintings going at once and if he feels like he is stuck on one he goes to the next. Ok, that makes me have to resolve my issue of leaving a painting "unresolved."
I have permission to do that now!
I am such a rule follower--I need permission sometimes to trudge into uncharted ground.

Below is probably the best paper for printing. I took a digital class and boy was it informative! I wish I had know these things 5 years ago. This paper is by Canson Infinity and there are many different kinds depending on the texture you like. This is a sample pack which has all of the sheets to try. These two prints are on Canson BFK and Canson Arches (pronounced "Arsh", in the French manner.)
Canson owns Arches and Canson has been around since the time of Michelangelo.

The brushes are Stratford and York Rutland (orange handle), Isabey Isaceyl, and his "detail brush"--(ha ha that's his joke) His is an Escoda Chunking #4.  It's BIG. Jerry's didn't have that one but this one was comparable.

The next thing is the Holbein Acrylic paint. Here is the Acryla and the Holbein Mat Arylic. Both are fabulous pure pigment paints and I absolutely love them. As I work through all my Golden I will probably just use these. The are bright and act like watercolor also without loosing any pigment.

I had such a fun time. I know that if I want to be a better painter I need to paint everyday. It is very important to paint everyday if possible because that's the only way to learn about color, color combinations and contrast.
But as we all know, life gets in the way.
"Life" for me lately has had it's extreme ups and downs and it seems it just keep on coming.
But you know...that's just life!
Carry on!

Monday, November 14, 2011

"21 Secrets"

I will be teaching a "secret" in the 21 Secrets workshop this time and we have a great line up of teachers.
21 SECRETS won't be starting until April 1, 2012--
and officially goes on sale January 2, 2012...
Click on the image to take you to Dirty Footprints Studio to see
all of the wonderful teachers.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Landscapes, florals and trees

I have had a very full day today. I started with Bob Burridge's florals this morning and Landscapes and trees this afternoon. The landscapes are very hard to do. I could watch him and think I had it but when I sat down I couldn't remember how to do it. But in the workshop setting I do have these brain drains so when I get home I can think about it and start to play around. The drip trees were a bit easier but I really need to work on them too.

Undoubtedly the coolest and funniest teacher on the planet.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 1 at AOC

I love Robert Burridges and I think he is just about the nicest and most gernerous teacher I have ever had. He has his wonderful art all over the walls and he says to take pictures, copy it and do whatever you want to with it.  How refreshing is that!? I also had Karlyn Holman today and I love her class too. Here is the start of my painting. 3 hours is just not quite long enough. I will have to practice this style of watercolor. It was about painting flowers in a shape and negative painting. It gets confusing.

Below are my Burridge paintings. I don't do well in workshops at all so I am looking forward to getting back and painting where there's lots of room. These are just a study in painting with his color wheel. More tomorrow.
Here's Bob and Karlyn.

Surely two of the nicest teachers ever. I loved every minute of it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Here I go!!!

I am very excited. We are leaving for the airport in about an hour or so. Of course I just had to do a journal page but I kinda ran out of time. I needed to go pack up my clothes and other necessities. I will try to take some picture along the way. I am not good at taking pictures when I am in workshops. I don't know why.
For the "Art of the Carolina's" title, I painted in the versals with Twinkling H20s. I wish you could see the sheen and twinkle but unfortunately the photo doesn't pick that up. So...better go now. Bye!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More Credit Card Flowers

I thought I would get out a few paints and play around. I love to create these fun credit card flowers. I am experimenting with cutting the card a little differently for leaves and pedals.
 It's always a surprise what I get and the more I practice the more control I have. I like the impressionistic look they have.
I am counting down the days until this weekend at Art of the Carolinas. 
We are leaving Thursday. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Just a Little Yummy Peanut

Well, you know Nana just has to show off the little peanut. She really is a sweet baby. She just hangs out and enjoys being alive. Her big Brother, Marc, is doing well with her. He doesn't pay much attention unless she is napping and Marc doesn't know where she is. Then he gets concerned and says, "Uh-oh, where is baby?" He's already getting to be a protective big brother.

And here she is behaving herself in church yesterday with her little lamb. 
Thanks for indulging me everyone. I don't have any art du jour today because we went away for the weekend and I didn't get to do any art. But guess where I am going this weekend?
I am going to The Art of the Carolinas in Raleigh and I am signed up for back to back classes with Bob Burridge. YAHOO!
Hopefully I will be running on adrenalin and won't get tired or overwhelmed.
And of course seeing all the stuff in the Jerry's Artarama trade show will probably make me hyperventilate.

I better put a paper bag in my pocketbook just in case!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


I am hoping that you all get some great exercise this weekend!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Versal Pears

Well, you know how the saying goes (or maybe you don't) ..."when in doubt, paint a pear" (quote from my favorite oil painter, Jeff Mahoney). I have been in a doodle mood lately and I have decided not to push myself to paint until I go to Art of the Carolinas in Raleigh next weekend for my classes with Robert Burridge. I have been working a lot lately with these fun versal letters and I am thinking that it will be my next online class. They are so fun to draw after you learn the strokes and they can be used for absolute anything; journal, finished piece, zentangles, name plates, and the list goes on. Remember this?  They are so fun to do. I think I will demo in the workshop how to use 23 carat patent gold to add to the versals.
It's an ancient secret that the monks used as they sat in their candlelit scriptoriums slaving away on their manuscripts and drawing and painting in those gorgeous decorated letters. The proper term is called guilding and you just wouldn't believe how easy it is. It will probably be the first of February before I can get it up because I haven't started filming and of course--the holidays are coming. Maybe along the way I will give some sneak peeks. always...God willing.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sweet Girl

One of the very hardest things for me to do is draw a turned face. The head changes shape as well as the lips nose and eyes. She is getting better but still not quite right. I enjoy drawing a fact in face it is the most relaxing thing for me to do--even more than doodling. I think it's because you know what has to come next and no decisions need to be made---like which doodle design to do next. Anyway, Jane Davenport, does a great job of explaining the face and body. Love her!
I used Copic markers for her face.
Love drawing these versal letters and coloring them in for the titles too.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Doodle Bliss

Still enjoying doodling. Haven't painted yet but it's ok. Just taking a little doodle down time.

Tools and Sources:
Zenspirations by Joanne Fink
Tombow Markers Set (Yes, I have the whole set!) I'm in heaven!
CalligraFUN (Basic letterforms)
Pilot Uniball Pen
"Project Accessory" on my TV

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I won a giveaway!

Jane Royal is one of my favorite artists and I won this fabulous journal in her giveaway! The cover is fabulous and also the inside cover. I have been sketching. Here is what I have done so far in this fabulous journal. Thanks, Jane!!
The images below are from Jane Davenports class "Supplies Me." If you have ever wanted to learn to draw a proper face and body she is the one to go to! This class is really wonderful and Jane is absolutely delightful. 
I have used a variety of supplies and techniques and sources. 
Tombow Markers
Prisma Colored Pencils
Chunky Versals (tentative future new online class)