
Monday, November 21, 2011

Worst nightmare realized...


Yes,  my greatest fear happened on Saturday. I dropped this brand new jar of black gesso on my precious little oriental rug. Why do I have a precious little oriental rug in my studio? Well, I just love it and wanted it there. Yes, crazy, I know---an accident waiting to happen---that happened! I am always so careful but yesterday as I was taking the gesso to the little red shed it slipped out of my hand and the top broke. I think I was actually in shock but then I screamed bloody murder and I was afraid the neighbors were really going to think it was a bloody murder. 
But as you see I dragged the rug outside and quickly squirted it with the water hose and it started to wash off. Of course I had it all over me and Bucky has a black fanny.
Maybe I have saved it. I am not sure but I think so. 
Then there was the wood floor. Oh my goodness--it was a mess. I finally had to call Chauncey at work to come home and HELP!

So my thoughts are this on painting big. I have to do it outside. To paint freely the way I want to I just can't do it inside. 
The weather has been so nice that I could paint in the shed. Maybe I will try and make it so that I have have a little air conditioner unit out there. It would need some walls and ...well no need to discuss plans here.
Anyway, I did paint a little bit today and I have a few starts here. I am starting several and coming back to finish them up. I am going to try to have lots of paintings going at once. This is very new for me and WAY out of my comfort zone.
Here they are so far.

See what a big mess this makes??


  1. oh so sorry, i know what a bit mess that made!!! i am sure you are still wiping up black gesso...

    yes, i can imagine needing a wide open space to paint the "bob" way. when it't nice could you paint outside??

    your flower series is looking great Martha!

  2. oh sorry about your rug! I did this to my rug also! With black gesso too! I wonder how many of us have done this? Hope you get it out. I couldn't, sorry. But you may know a trick or two! :) All the best!
    Your art is so awesome love the three in the picture!

  3. ouch.....sorry about the rug...but you must be having fun fun painting...;)

  4. Oh No!!! Hope it comes out the rug. But your paintings are so worth it!

  5. Well, I do hope you were able to save the rug. That must have been a BIG shock! Your paintings are looking great!

  6. Sorry to hear about the mess, but it seems like you recovered from it as best you could.

  7. Oooo yuk!!! I do hope your rug will recover...
