
Thursday, October 14, 2010


I have had to relearn this Engrosser's Script, or just learn it because I have never really used it. I mostly use Italic or a funky variation. This hand is soothing for me to write and as I see improvement then it makes it enjoyable.  I am not criticizing my progress at all but my eye sees that I am not quite there yet. I have spacing issues between the letters and between the words. For me the spacing of calligraphy has been the hardest part. It doesn't matter how beautiful your letterform might be, if it is not spaced properly it all falls apart. I am not a meticulous person at all and I have often wondered why I have loved learning calligraphy because it is the epitome of meticulous. I think I like the rules because I always feel safe within the rules. I am off to see if I can make a green smoothie. Sounds yuck but I'm gonna try.

PS. I am working on this script for the wedding invitations I will be doing for my best friend's
daughter.  It's not until May but I have to start now because it's like getting ready for a marathon. If you don't condition yourself the hand, arm and back will cramp up.


  1. Wow - nice but a bit stiff for your funky style!!

  2. Martha;
    Your work is always beautiful. This is a bit different from your is good to go out of our comfort boxes and try new things. I hope you have a wonderful and creative week! I love your blog! You inspire me as an artist with each post of yours!

  3. I do not see the imperfections. It's looks beautiful to my eye.

    You know, I wonder why there is a part of me that really wants to learn this style of writing, but I am so reluctant to begin - even doing the funky writing. I don't know if I am afraid to try because I will fail, or if it is that it takes diligence, practice, and more practice and I am basically lazy. There is something in me that keeps me from trying new things...some more than others. I think I really need to take a look at this.

    Martha, I am so glad you are feeling better.

  4. Martha, I'm so glad you talked about your "practice" and your eye. Because it really is something we all have to pay attention to. BTW, I think your handwriting is just GORGEOUS!! Funny how you said you're not meticulous and calligraphy is so VERY meticulous!!! Yes, God has a sense of humor :D

  5. I think it looks lovely as it is, but keep practicing if you must :)
    It's great to hear that your bout with hives is turning around.

  6. Martha beautiful and I am sure you will be up to the task when it arrives. hugs

  7. Good luck, Martha. I'm impressed with your dedication to continuing your quest for excellence (or perfection??) You're pretty close to perfect in my book. It looks lovely.

  8. SO lovely!! If i could write like this, I'd write EVERYTHING! :)

  9. it looks so elegant and I'll take your word for it that there are spacing issues because I certainly don't see them.

  10. What a beautiful script! Looks so perfect:) Hope the drink was good:)

  11. gorgeous writing martha....never did like those green smoothies....try almond milk, banana, and berries of your choice...yummy.... hugs

  12. Martha, that is absolutely beautiful. I have tried this myself and to keep such a steady, calm rhythm to it, is incredible.. a form of meditation I am sure.

  13. I"d love to learn that script as well as the caligraphy...after my trip and when I can, I"m gonna take your class...and thanks for commenting on my blog...I sure did wamt "A run for the prize" will send my addy!!! Thanks so much...what's the cost??
    I see Mary in just 2 more days!!! Yea!

  14. Hi Martha,
    Oh, just beautiful!
    You can send me any of your practice sheets any time~lol
    Lurve them!

  15. Georgeous as always Martha. I like the others will take your word that there are spacing issues but I sure don't see them......I admire so much how you perserve to get things just the way you want them....shows great character....

  16. This is beautiful and looks like you have the flow just right. Is your pen really offset as it looks? Happy practicing...

  17. those gorgeous letters are just flowing from your pen! and from where i sit, your spacing looks great, too! i'm glad you're happy with your progress.....that's always good motivation.....and who knows, maybe those green smoothies will give you super energy to keep on lettering!!! heeheehee. xox, :))))

  18. Your script is looking pretty good to me! Calligraphy sure takes a bunch of practice. I love your analogy of training for the marathon!

  19. Hi Martha!

    Now who doesn't like a good challenge..perhaps that is what attracts you to attain to perfection! And you are soooooo there already!

    I love your penmanship///I love penmanship of my favourite things in fact!

    Green are conditioned and disciplined in your artful endeavours!

    Ciao bella!


  20. martha, aren't we always sort of critical of our own endeavors to make beautiful letterforms? and this script is such a challenge. but your practicing now will truly make a difference when you have those wedding envelopes etc. in front of you!
