
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

More quick art--and the unresolved problem...

This is on the back of the scrap paper from my last post. I am still playing with laying down some color and making quick paintings. I have this thing about instant gratification. This is why I don't think I could ever be an oil painter although I do love the oils. It's just too slow for me.  I need instant bursts of color and maybe even a place to write. It's--- Quick Art for the Slightly Neurotic and Impatient Artist! Maybe I will write a book for all of us impatient artists who need an instant fix. I will be your pusher. hee hee
 And since this is a scrap---no pressure and--> instant gratification.
 There is an art induced high in all that.
Thank you all for your sweet comments about my mystery hives. I have my game plan as how to try and live with Bucky. I woke up clear today and everyday I am symptom free it is a good day. I have to make several safe zones where he is not allowed in---mostly the bedroom and office. He will be groomed once a week and I ordered several items from National Allergy: spray that lowers dander,  anti allergy clothes detergent, bath cloths for in between baths, an air purifier that I carry around with me right now because they are quite expensive. I think there were a few more things also. It's a shot in the dark but I am bound and determined to try and live with him---that is IF he is the problem. I am going to take some days off of  creating art and blogging to tackle this problem and clean the studio (de-danderize that is.) I might have to see if it is anything at my studio---paints??? Now wouldn't that be bad?! So I do need to stay away from all the art materials for a while. :(
I will be back hopefully really soon but I will certainly visit you all and see what you are doing. I am doing a class with LK Ludwig which I love so maybe I can blog some of those journal pages--that is when I get around to doing it.
I love you all and thanks for your prayers and best wishes. I need it now.
Oh, and here is a little cutie:
I could just eat him up with a spoon!

And one more cutie below chillin' out after his bath and shave:


  1. I love your splashes of color!!! This is gorgeous...ahhhh the fotos of the two cuties below...toooo sweeet!

  2. Good luck Martha on your quest to find the true source of your health problems. We are going to miss your creations. Love your so called scraps they are beautiful.
    and that grandson of yours, well know wonder you want to consume him, he's delicious!

  3. Good luck to you Martha...hope you are well soon and get back to your art materials soon. I love reading your words and seeing your creations. You inspire me to be a better artist...keep in touch with us!

  4. Bucky doesnt look to happy.LOL. I hope you figure this out. It must be so annoying not knowing. I'm taking LK ludwigs class to,which one are you taking? I love your scrap piece. Especially the colors.

  5. Wishing you all the best as you get this all figured out Martha! I love your instant art. (but know there is years and years of experience to your success at "instant" art!)

  6. It's gorgeous!! If I created anything like your quick art, I'd frame it and display it on my driveway and yell "see what I can make?!" to the passing cars ;)

    I hope you get the allergy thing figured out. I don't know if it's the same with dogs, but with cats, the dander is in their saliva and it gets transferred to their skin when they groom themselves, so our doctors told Gracie not to let the cats nose or kiss her.

  7. what you call "scraps" looks like a masterpiece to me!!! your splashes of color just pop off that page.....and your letters are so happy.....LOVE them!!! good luck with all of your de-danderizing......bucky sure looks cute after his haircut! and speaking of cute......well, i could just melt over that sweet little baby marc.....!!
    xoxox, :))

  8. Good book title! So glad you are getting on the upside of the allergies. Bucky must be so relived, as you must be, that his days are not necessarily numbered there. Good luck as you gradually modify your living space and reintroduce products to determine the source of the allergy. Get some witch hazel to dab onto those hives to take the itch out...should they reappear, which in positive thoughts they WILL NOT.

  9. That's just what we're doing right now...
    we have closed off certain areas...and she is no longer allowed up on any furniture...beds...couches....

    we figure try that out..see how it goes...before thinking of parting with's just such a hard thing.

    love the instant side of art too....i don't have the patience to always be working on 'masterful' pieces that take months to
    your sparks of creative scrap paper pieces are brilliant, and free!

    well done!

    ciao bella


  10. Martha, Enjoy your break1!! Love the picture above!! You are such a gifter COLOR ARTIST!! Really!! Your grandson is just precious

  11. I love your Quick Art! So Vibrant and happy!!! I'm an impatient artist - I don't like waiting for things to dry. :)

    has anyone told you about Ribo Rash?

  12. Baby Marc is sooooo cute! I'm sure he just makes your heart jump with love.

    Your little pops of color are always gorgeous Martha.

    Hope you figure out the problem soon Martha.

  13. Love this post! Thanks for sharing your work and your inner life. I think both are inspiring!

  14. I wish you the best in resolving your health issues.

    What cute photos!! Darling!

  15. I am so thankful it is not Bucky. Please forgive any mispessled words here Martha, I am loaded down with meds myself. I woke up Wednesday with the worst case of vertigo, and an still not seeing clearly. I could not be in any position without the world around me spinning off into space. And with me running to the bathroom to throw up. I finally called my Doctor laster in the evening and she said that if it happened all of a sudden without any sighns of flu symptons to get to the ER. We flew there. After a long wait where I thought I would die, they finally took some blood and sent me for a Cat scan, without giving me meds for the -nausea - not a good idea since one has to lay flat for the scan. Yep, up I sat and barfed al the water left in my stomack. Okay, I am gonna stop - cant see very well to type correctly anyway. I still feel bad, not as bad, since I am on meds to the dizzizess, but it has not gotten rid of it all the way. And I am having trouble focusing.
    Actually this is the firt time out of bed since Wed. so sorry if this does not make any sense. :)

  16. Oh your poor girl! I so sympathize with what you're going through as I am also allergic to many mystery things. Did you put down any new chemicals on your lawn or in your garden? Do you have a new houseplant? If you're allergic to poison ivy, lots of the time you'll also be allergic to other ivies as well. Have you been eating lots of any one type of fruit? Melons...peaches??? These are some of the things that get me all the time. What about a new brand of paint of ink you may be using? Once I was in a garden center, and I walked through the greenhouse which was smelling rather chemically, and a few days later I was unrecognizable. I so hope you can find the cause, and it's really not your precious little puppy...Your artwork is always wonderful, Martha, so full of life all the time, and your grand baby is totally adorable! Many heartfelt get well wishes to you, sweet girl. xo Paulette

  17. Martha I love your scraps, and the colors are awesome!!! I'm praying our Lord gives wisdom to the drs doing the testing for your allergies. Not an easy thing to go thru. What a precious grandson you have, and I'm interested in the book!!! Will be in touch! Blessings my friend..

  18. Oh Martha, I hope this comment finds you getting better and getting this darned problem solved, and also will hope to see some more quick art from you that is still very detailed.
    I also wanted you to check out my latest blog post. I have Susan's art on my blog (one of your many fans). I wasnt' happy with the photos, but if you click on the pictures, you can get a better idea. She really is very talented and so eager to learn about everything.
    P.S. Love those last photos!!
