
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ornamental doodling at 1AM

Well, it's 1:oo am now and I can't find sleep yet so I decided to just mess around with some new stamps I carved tonight of some historical ornamental flowers and acanthus leaves. I will show you the stamps individually tomorrow maybe but I made this hodge podge ornamental doodle. Nothing was planned, I just stamped around a d tried to fill in the spaces with some filigree. It was fun actually. but now I am yawning and typing things wrong. So good night for now. Hopefully Mr Sandman is coming my way.


  1. You should stay up more often till rocked it! I know about wishing Mr Sandman would come.

  2. Gorgeous! Outstanding stamps - I'm inspired to carve some stamps now!

    Mary Lou 'LuLu'
    Would you please visit my art BLOG and comment on my art when you have a moment or 2?

  3. I hate I when I can't sleep! At least you got up and did something. I usually just lay there and get mad. I love what you doodled,especially love the stamps you made.

  4. I wish I could create so beautifuly when I can't sleep. This is gorgeous. OPH My, It would bw lovely on an Art Journal cover filled with Grecian designs and Grecial quotes/poetry/facts.

  5. Talk about 1 o'clock brilliance. Those stamps are fantastic. And darn but that is an amazing doodle! I can see the flourish influence from your recent conference. Stunning as always, and I think you are the doodle Queen!

  6. Beautiful doodle....amazing you could this at 1:00...your talents come out when you put pen to paper no matter the time of day....I love this stamp...makes me want to try to crave one...

    Have a great day....

  7. Beautiful work, and what a great use of your time.
    I love your carved stamps, too. You always inspire me!

  8. This is lovely. I have just started carving my own stamps & am learning a lot.

  9. Martha, those stamps are stupendous. You could sell stamps on your Etsy shop. They're beautiful.

  10. Wow! I think you are a "night person" at heart. This is beautiful, and hope it relaxed you to the point of sleep.

  11. Very cool Martha! You've pulled the different styles and elements together very well - and at 1am to boot! :)

  12. Hi Martha,
    This piece is fabulous.
    Love how you filled in the spaces with your creative writing and flourishes!
    Sweet dreams,

  13. Love your hand carved stamps. Your lack of sleep collage is another amazing art piece. Happy sleeping and creating...

  14. Love this Martha--maybe this is what I should do when I wake up every single night!
    I also love your stamps--your so multi-talented!

  15. LOVE♥ this! Now I need to carve more...

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