
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back to drawing a face

Even though I have a new passion for letterforms I still love to draw the face. I drew her on notebook paper and colored pencils. It's a relaxing thing for me to draw a face--even more relaxing than zentangles. Actually zentangles give me a headache for some reason although I love the look of them. I think it's the decisions I have to make about what shape to draw next. For the face the choices are very few--two eyes a nose and a mouth. It's so interesting to me that every face turns out different. I am going to practice my letterforms and all that I learned at IAMPETH but I have been so tired. I am still recouping. Whew!


  1. She is beautiful ~ your drawings are so wonderful. How lovely to have such a talent!
    xo Catherine

  2. i agree with you about how relaxing it is to draw a face, Martha....seems that is about all i have done in the past weeks as far as drawing and painting is concerned...i have a drawing pad full of faces.... great work.....

  3. lovely to
    meet her/your face ~
    isn't it what we
    ultimately seek?
    love to all that
    comes through you.
    so nice to be drawn in here.

  4. Welcome back! rest up! I do love the coloring you did on her face and in her hair.

  5. It is hard to get back into the swing of things when you get back from a vacation. Also I find it very relaxing to just sketch a face too. She's beautiful.

  6. I'm glad you are still drawing faces.
    You do them so well.

    It is amazing that your drawings as well as people, have two eyes, one, nose, and a mouth - and we all look so different. Just a slight change in one, the shape, and color can produce millions of variations!!

  7. Can well understand your fatigue, glad you're back. As always this new face is beautiful, you can't ever stop creating your girls!

  8. Hi Martha,
    Love your colourful, angelic face.
    Hm, those zentangles can be a bit frustrating {what shape to draw now and to fill in my page}
    Happy creating,

  9. there's nothing better than slipping back into back into your "other comfort zone" after a hard week of iampething!!! this little sweetie is gorgeous.....she reminds me a lot of macaul! xoxox, :))

  10. and you draw such lovely faces. sounds like you had a wonderful adventure!

  11. I'm glad you had fun on your retreat and I am glad you are back painting...I always look forward to seeing what you are up to....

    I really like this face....she's very you....

  12. Martha,
    You love drawing faces because you are fabbbbbbulous at it! The combination of your faces and your letter artwork is always brilliant!

  13. Your faces you draw are extroadinary. It is understandable that you are tired and need a break from letters. What a lot to absorb during your intense classes. Happy drawing...

  14. Your girls are all so sweet, some lovely, some serious, some beautiful etc....but I love each one. You make it look so easy and it isn't!
