
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Graffiti My Life Journal

I really had a great time spraying away on this journal. Dina Wakley's online class is excellent especially if you like this grungy look and you don't mind getting a little messy. Ok--a lot messy. I don't mind messy for a while and then it gets to me and I have to clean it all up then continue on. I know, that a bit crazy but, it's kinda like getting a fresh start even though your are in the middle of the project. This book is sewn with a one needle coptic stitch and I sewed it up three times and had to cut it all out... and still skipped a signature so I just rigged it up and said, as Dina says, "Be at peace with it..."
I made a youtube video showing the whole book explaining a little more as to how I did it but I couldn't find the computer cord to my camera---arrrggg!!! So I just had to take pictures and youtube-it that way.
You can see it here.
Baby Marc is coming to town with his sweet mama so I will be busy for a few days. See ya next week sometime!


  1. Oh how I wish I lived near so I could do your class. I really want to do this.. I doodle away but I know I would love to learn calligraphy!

  2. martha what a great journal, love the style and feel of it. Your colour combinations and how you put it all together. Like you I have to pause and clear the mess before I can continue, I can't seem to focus.
    Re my canvas it's 24x36 and surprisingly I found the bigger size liberating once I got over the scale shock. Pat's other book on Design can be bought through second hand for $21.63 that's how I bought both mine for about the same price :-)

  3. PS: Only one at that price so move fast!

  4. Love your book Martha. Enjoy baby Marc!

  5. this is gorgeous. I would love to do this! and I hope you found peace with it, because it really is wonderful

  6. Martha,
    I know I'm a 'broken record' but this is just so beautiful!! You are making me want to take the class. . . . Have a great time with Marc!

  7. Great Youtube video, beautiful journal. I especially love your writing through each page.

  8. wow....what a great journal....i have not started mine but watch the videos over and over as i feed grandbaby piper....she watches am sure the binding is great that you i said before, i would happy to teach you... :) enjoy your daughter and grandbaby.... ;)

  9. i love this class too and your journal is wonderful!!!! great job
    enjoy this artistic journal
    kiss from belgium

  10. hi answer your question....i do use a single needle when i do the coptic stitch....i do the 2,4 or 6 needle sometime but by far prefer the single (curved) needle..less threads to get tangled in.....i also think that having only 4 signatures for this journal the stitching chain does not show that well...most books i make have at least 8 or 10 signatures so the chain shows better....practice makes perfect...

  11. Love it! Happy creating...
    I know you will be enjoying your company.

  12. Your work is so beautiful, I enjoy seeing all you do.

  13. Beautiful Martha! Getting messy has wonderful benefits.

  14. oh it's gorgeous...i love it all and will definitely be off in a sec to see your video!

    ciao bella
    thanks for always delivering a dose of inspiration to me!

    creative carmelina

  15. I LOVE Dina's work. I signed up for the class yesterday and have already started my journal. It's SO easy! Her work looks so complex. I'm thrilled at how simple it's been to achieve these gorgeous pages.

    Enjoy baby Marc!

  16. Delicious!! Hope you enjoyed your visit with your daughter and Baby Marc.
