
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Save a Pear Day and a journal page

First of all, let me say thank you all so much for your encouragement about the black and white value study. Its one of those things that look great from a distance but close up...not so good. It's kinda like one of the paint by number things that look really great from a distance but up close it's another story. Hence the far away picture..... Anyway, I do see the "value" in doing this. Tee hee...
Ok, so after all of your wonderful comments I got rather cocky and thought to myself , "I'll just sit right down here and paint me a quickie pear just for kicks," and honestly by the minute it just kept getting worse and worse. It is acrylic because I left my oil paints at the studio. So never fear, punchanella is here...and stamps and whatever else I could find to save the pear. I don't know if I saved him but it's a heck of a lot better than it was. So, my thought for the day is, "Don't get cocky, you never know when you will have to save a pear."


  1. I love your pear. Definitely beautiful. Such a delicious amount of gorgeous details on your pages. Let me click back, want to have another look.....

  2. Hi Martha! You're so funny...I can't imagine you ever having to save any of your paintings... they're always beautiful, just like this pear and your urn in the post below! xo Pauette

  3. Love your journal page especially all the hardwriting. And I love your pear,you're so funny about the punchanella,but you're right when all else fails the punchanella is the answer. I just love the look of it,I always feel like my painting is never finished until I add alittle punchanella.

  4. What a great lesson :-) And I think this should be a national holiday - Save a Pear Day!!

  5. I'm laughing, Martha! Love your pear quote! And I really like your Pear painting, too! Your journal pages are so wonderful..this is so much fun!

  6. Great pages. I like how you wrote right over the woman and you found some words that fit the page! Why don't you post your pages on our flickr group?

    Your pear picture is more than "saved", it's gorgeous. You are so hard on yourself. No pear picture is done until the artist is happy with it. You should be happy with this one even if it is not a pear in the nude state!

  7. I think your pear is wonderful. If I seen it somewhere else I would definitely know that is a Martha painting. Love the extras you gave it.

  8. Martha, let me say I have toured some of the famous galleries in Europe and believe me there are Masters whose work was not meant to be viewed up close, so you are right on. Hugs

  9. "Don't get cocky, you never know when you will have to save a pear."

    Darling, I'm putting this on my wall as a reminder. (Giggling uncontrollably)

    But, you know what? It doesn't diminish what you did with that b/w study. Not one bit. So, keep that chin up, and paint.

  10. Oh, it's beautiful! I love your journal page, too.
