
Sunday, June 13, 2010

The coolest charm bracelet ever!

I just had to show you all this fabulous charm bracelet Sherry Ball Schoenfeldt sent me. We did a swap and I sent her a journal and she sent me this fabulous charm bracelet with inspiring words and phrases on the different charms. Oh my goodness, I am definitely doing a happy dance!!! Thank you sweet, Sherry!!!


  1. You're right,Martha-this is a VERY cool bracelet, and I know that she's just as happy with journal--no question!

  2. Oh you lucky girl you,that is so beautiful and I'm sure she's loving her journal too. Swaps are fun.

  3. Wow, what a lot of work! She really took care of you.
    I know your journal is just as juicy, too! You always take such care in your techniques and applications, Martha.
    How blessed you both are, to be involved in a great swap.

  4. Ooooh, what a pretty bracelet! I love jingle-jangle charm bracelets, they're so girlie! I'm certain your journal was equally as lovely Martha...your art always is! xo Paulette ;)

  5. yes this is very cool....what a great accessory.... ;) Your value study vase looks great also...i cah just picture some very colorful flowers in it....

  6. wow this is gorgeous!! What a great swap and such a lovely way to show it to us too! I enjoyed hearing your voice :0) Enjoy your bracelet! :0)

  7. I am sooooooooooo glad you like the bracelet Martha. I haven't been online except for my FLYING LESSONS classes since Saturday so I hadn't seen your little video.

    I'll be showing more about our swap and the charms on my blog - hopefully today!

  8. I am the proud owner of one of Sherry's pendants, so I know how awesome it is !! Enjoy :) I know I love wearing my pendant and always get comments about how cool it is !
