
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Italic Calligraphy Online Class-Starts Nov 2nd

ALMOST READY!!! If you are interested, Gail at Creative Workshops will have registration open soon.

As hard as this class was to organize and teach, it was a complete joy to work intensely with my pens and practice my skills so I could bring to those of you who might be interested in learning calligraphy a good foundation so you can start a successful calligraphic journey. I have developed a step by step approach which will give you the foundation for you to be a good calligrapher. The rest is up to you! It is something that you can do the rest of you life, it never goes out of style and it goes with any style that comes around a goes around. It will make you happy and others happy. What can be better than that?


  1. I'm so proud of you Martha. You've spent so much time creating this opportunity to make learning calligraphy fun and accessable! God for you!

  2. OOPS...I meant accessible and Good for you!

  3. This will be a terrific class Martha. I am so glad you are teaching the basics. Anyone that wants to begin to learn the art and craft of calligraphy should signup for this class!

  4. WOO HOO!! you go girl!! i wish you had been around when i was first learning italic letterforms!! i'm still trying to get out of bad habits that i learned back then!! i'm VERY proud of you!!! :))

  5. Can't wait for your class to start and it isn't that far off. I am sure it will be wonderful and I will sign up right away. Way to go girl!!!!!!

  6. yay for our girl Martha! Can't wait!

  7. Hi Martha!
    Thank you for the opportunity to be able to take an online class!
    Question:.. Will this be the same class that is going on right now?
    Calligrahpy fun?
    Or is it a separate one?
    I thought I could sign up anytime for the one online at Creative workshops?.. LOl.. sorry if I sound confused.. but I just NEED To know.. as I love your work so much and this would be so much fun to learn prior to Christmas cards!
    God Bless you Martha!
    Hugs, Darlene

  8. Hi again Martha,
    So for me, as an artist wanting to create some fun lettering on my art... would you recommend "calligra-fun"?..
    Also doing some creative Christmas cards!
    Monica Zuniga took your classes but I am not sure which ones.. looks to me like Calligra-fun!
    Thank you..!

  9. martha.. your class looks like it is going to be amazing! i will be there!
