
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Doodling some Pumpkins

Just a little doodling in Greenville while the baby was sleeping. I wish I had brought my Copics but there were a few key colors of Zigs and I bought a graph pad at CVS while getting Butt Paste for the baby. I am not being crude, Butt Paste is one the the best baby diaper rash inventions ever invented! I painted a few more things too that maybe I will blog. They are in my daughter's camera so when she sends them on I will blog them. Doesn't really seem like fall here in Jacksonville where it was 85 degrees but the weather in Greenville, SC, yesterday before we left was like heaven--68 degrees and sunny with clear mountains in the distance---beautiful.


  1. Hi Martha,
    WOW! I love the doodled pumpkins. It is cool and raining here and the trees are just starting to 'turn'.

  2. Pumpkins, babies, art! Perfect! I love Doodle! (Here in WNY, we woke up to a frost!! Wow! No wonder why my hubby turned the heat on in the house). Have fun today, Martha!

  3. Wow, even your 'doodling' is amazing! Love this!

  4. looks like you took the perfect zigs with you....your pumpkins are so cute! hope the butt paste helped....the baby, that is! :))

  5. Too cute little pumpkins!!! I bought some of those mini pumpkins for my table. Reg. color and some white ones....might have to paint those little white ones!
    Love your doodles.....

  6. Those are some cute pumpkins and really pretty lettering too!...I've never heard of "Butt Paste". What a funny name! Hope the baby is all better. =D
