
Friday, January 31, 2014

Drawing the Girls

Even though I am trying really had to be an oil painter, it is just so fun to stop and go back to some collage and mixed-media techniques. This is a girl I drew for the class, "Drawing the Girls," that I am having a ball filming.  These girls are actually how I doodle. You will find them everywhere.  They are on scraps of paper, napkins, paper tablecloths at restaurants and even all through my Bible. I like them to be "looking into the Word."  I do this sometimes in church but I can listen and draw.  Actually it helps me to listen.  I never could sit still. I will go over this technique in the class. (Collage--not the drawing in church technique!) Ok---back to filming!


  1. Be still my beating heart! Your oil paintings are certainly beautiful Martha, no doubt; but when you do collage, mixed media and your wonderful, exqusite watercolors, my heart skips a beat!!!

  2. Oh yay! Keep working on those videos! I can hardly wait for your class. :)

  3. Me too! I'm gonna take this class!

  4. I have always loved seeing your girls in the journal entries that you share. :)

    I have a Moleskin that I take notes in at church and I am frequently doodling in it. I used to be self-conscious about my doodling in church and/or during meetings, etc, but I'm getting over that. I learned that it has been proven that those that doodle while listening actually retain more of what they hear. :)

  5. Any idea when the class will be ready?
