
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Quick 1 Hour Study

I like to rent art videos from SmartFlix and my latest one was by Craig Nelson--Quick Studies in Oil. He says it's better to do 32 small one hour quick studies than one 32 hour long involved painting. I enjoyed his video and this is the reference from the video. I enjoyed painting it and tried to stop and not tickle it to death after an hour.


  1. Oh my goodness, you have painted in one hour the exact colors that I'm using on my 32 hours painting. But mine is with collage of napkins.
    Yours is better!

  2. incredibly beautiful! Even in the small thumbnail, the colors jump out at you--one of my favorites--

  3. Oh hour...really! Just look at you soar!

  4. Hey Martha, gosh, I haven't visited you in so long! Sorry, there is so darn much distraction out there in blogland...I really need to stop wandering so far, lol! I love this one hour painting... you have gotten your wings girlfriend and you are soaring! I still haven't gotten over to take your Pear class either... so much to do...
    Hope you are well,
    Beth P

  5. Oh how I wish we could paint an hour together! This is so inspiring! Thank you for sharing.

  6. I love the colors and it reminded me of sweet peas I got from a neighbor one summer. I can still smell them. One hour! I think I am ready for a class from my favorite teacher.
