
Friday, February 15, 2013

Made me laugh

Happy Friday! This was on a FB post of one of my sweet high school friends and it just made me laugh this morning. I bet we can all relate.

Yesterday my painting group got together at my studio and painted roosters. We had so much fun painting because each of us has our own style and it is so fun to share how we plan to tackle our painting. I will finish him up today and post him tomorrow.

Also, I am so sorry that I had to reinstate the Word Verification setting in my comments area. I just hate that thing and can't read the letters when I have to do that but I was starting to get some anonymous spam type things. In fact yesterday there were 8 of them. So I just wanted to apologize for that. I added a "Email me" gadget at the top right so please feel free to email me if you so desire to comment and I can actually get back to you much easier. If I have to do the Word Verification thing (which sometimes takes me several tries to get it) I just give up.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!


  1. Hey Martha, I was starting to get a lot of anonymous comments and I noticed under my settings on comments that I had anyone could comment/anonymous included so I changed that.

    Also, you may not want to do this but if you choose to "approve or moderate all comments" then you will have the choice of posting or not posting them and don't have to resort to the word verification thingie.

    You probably already know all of this but just a little heads up.

    Can't wait to see your rooster.

  2. I'll have to get one of those for my daughter! Very funny cartoon.

  3. here's what I'm finding .... just take a stab at the numbers... it doesn't always penalize you if you get it wrong...I know I get it wrong a lot .cuz they are too blurry and small to see...but, it accepts me seems to like the fact that you even leave a space and try any old number.. like today.... yours shows me a 5 digit number ...and I can't even tell what they ..I bet I get in goes ....

    I don't mind the word thingy..cuz I have to use it too..or I'm inundated with spammers and Viagra sales.... sigh.....
