
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 9 of Leslie Saeta Challenge

It's Day 9 of 30 Paintings in 30 Days from Leslie Saeta's blog.
Whew! And it's only day 9!
 I set this still life up in my studio with my new vintage window panels that I bought at the antique store around the corner. I had been eyeing them from quite some time. They were to die for but I quickly found out how hard they were to paint. Luckily they found just the right spot in the studio to live in.

"Tulips and the Window" 8x8 on Panel
Below is the picture I took. The limes didn't make it into the painting and neither did the shadow on the vase. It just didn't look right so I took artistic license and left it out. I actually hand painted the striped canvas cloth on the table. I am still trying to set up a really good still life that I am passionate about painting.

And just look at this sunrise this morning! 
 This picture doesn't even come close
to doing it justice.
God paints everyday so of course He is The Master Painter! 
Maybe I will try to paint it myself.


  1. I am amazed at what you get accomplished in a day! beautiful!

    oh that sunrise...what a glorious God we have.


  2. I love your paintings and keep coming back day after day. Lovely.

  3. Love this one Martha. I too am doing this challenge and struggling to keep up. So far so good but life does try to get in the way. Some things turn out some don't but I force myself to post them anyway. LOL

  4. I followed your link from a comment you left elsewhere and am very glad I did. Lovely work! I especially like this one.

    Thanks for sharing excellent information. Your website is very cool. This website has got really useful info on it!

  5. Lovely painting, your everyday painting challenge is definitely amazing.
