
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 26 of 30-30 Challenge

This one is quite the hodgepodge but it was fun to paint. I painted it first in watercolor then went back and added acrylic to pop the colors. Then I outlined in ink with a Micron marker. 
This arrangement is just so beautiful I had to paint it. I will try to paint it with oils if it stays fresh enough for me to get back over to the studio. I am still struggling with this upper respiratory thing. Now it has decided to move up to my nose and run like a faucet.
Thanks to Kleenex with lanolin and Butt Paste.
Yes, you read that right, I put Butt Paste on my sore nose. Works like a charm!


  1. Martha, I love your floral paintings! They have inspired me to try to do some of my own. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Very Lovely!!! Love the color!!! Hugs

  3. Love this. never heard of butt'm sure a day will come when I'll need some!

  4. I love your paintings...and the layering of that's something like love doing myself....watercolour and pencil crayon over top...with black ink outline.

    Gorgeous always.

    Hope you feel better....and...I've never heart of BUTT paste...but I do hope it works wonders for you!

    ciao bella
    Stop by and enter my current giveaway, if you wish.

    Creative Carmelina

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  7. Martha, Found your website and love this painting...actually love alot of them.
