
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 21 of 30 Paintings Challenge

Oh man, the pressure in on now. I am determined to get to thirty. This is a crazy little 6x8 of a still life that tried so hard to work---and maybe it worked enough to post it and call it #21.  I am feeling like I am in the 4 grade again doing math homework--just get'er done! Anyway, this is a little Angus wannabe painting.
I have my favorite painters in which Angus is one as well as Trisha Adams. I will be in her workshop very soon! Ok! 21 done 9 to go!


  1. Another winner. I just love your colors and style.

  2. Delurking to let you know I'm enjoying this series! Keep going!

  3. awesome. I would like to try this style...I guess now is the time to try it out, huh...thank for the inspiration!!

  4. Very Lovely~ I would love to see all your 30 paintings :)
