
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 19 of 30-30 Challenge

"Bright Flowers and Pears"
Day 19! Well, as I said the other day---real life is pressing in so I have to find a way to paint something that is quick and easier and fun to do. This took about an hour to do after I laid down the transparent colors last night. I am thinking that I might work better and have more fun painting when I do it the Hedi and Dreama way. Others use this method of laying down all transparent colors first also. But for me I think it helps me to get something down on the canvas as a underpainting color map. Again, I really should have taken a picture of the underpainting but it doesn't look like too much at that point.
Here is the little Tombo marker sketch I had in my mind but I was working on a square canvas so I can to crop it.

By the way, when I work here at home in my little closet art room I use Holbein Water soluble oil color. I really am thinking about switching completely over because the OMS seems to give me a headache and I hate the cleanup and the pour-offs etc. The WSO are just as good as the regular oils and clean up with water. But I have a fortune invested in regular oils and there are a few colors that I like to use that Duo doesn't have---namely Shiva Ice Blue. I could possibly mix that color up from Duo and put it in this.


  1. Nice bright color and bold brushstrokes make this one extra nice!

  2. This is a bold and very good painting! Well done! I use Winsor and Newton Waterbased Oils, lots of people down them but I am happy not to work with solvents etc! I do use their quick drying medium which gives a nice sheen to the work. I believe you can use traditional and water based oils

  3. This is beautiful! It caught my eye right away!

    I also cannot stand OMS and turps. I've been looking into using walnut oil and cleaning up with oil and Orange clean smooth cleaner. I guess it is possible. I have not tried it, I am ready to though.
