
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bright and Whimsical

I did something different just for the fun of it for this one. I started with a black and white value study of the subject--which was in my head. I used about 3 or 4 values to establish the shapes. I used black and white acrylic for the first underpainting.

That was actually really fun because I didn't have to think about colors yet.
Then I added a tinted undercoat to map out what the colors would be. This is still acrylic.

Now time for the oil paint. Here is the rule of thumb: oil over acrylic not acrylic over oil.
So after laying down some bright oil paint I scumbled and stippled with a dry stencil brush.

And it is bright and colorful just like I wanted.  I am still loving
 Angus Wilson's paintings but I am not sure how he accomplishes his 
fabulous paintings but this is my version. 
Maybe this more colorful, fanciful way of painting 
is more my style then the traditional still life. 
I would like to see if I can attempt to turn a traditional
 still life into a fun, whimsical and fanciful still life.
I'll keep working on that.


  1. Love it, Martha,

    Thanks for the play-by-play,


  2. Martha, this is wonderful. I've been secretly watching your journey into oils for some time and am TOTALLY inspired. I love the bright whimsical style you are working towards. I'm sure if you continue this journey from technique to heart, you're work will be INCREDIBLE...well, most of it already is. Thanks for sharing. Hugs xx

  3. Hi Martha: Thanks for telling me about Angus' work -what a neat find. He is something like my favorite watercolour artist Shirley Trevena. Check her out!
