
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sketchbook cover

I find that if I have a cute cover on my sketch books I tend to pick it up and draw more frequently. I know that a  good drawing is the basis of any good painting so I try to draw as much as I can. Even if it's a mustard and ketchup bottle. It all about seeing the object.  I collaged different images in Photoshop, printed it and glued it on.  I love to create digital collages of my art. It's so fun.

This sketchbook is one of my favorite ones and I have several of them with various types of paper. They are Strathmore Visual Journals.  This one is a 5.5 x 8 but I have all sizes. Do you have one yet?


  1. I also love those journals and have several sizes. The cover is wonderful. I think I will have to decorate some of mine!

  2. Forgot to mention - that is one of my favorite verses!

  3. Wonderful cover! I am the same way, I can't use any sketchbook until I decorate the cover. ALso I like your idea of digital collage of your drawings.
    I have not yet tried the Visual journal, maybe with my next coupon for Hobby Lobby. :-)

  4. Beautful cover...your ladies are so lovely:)

  5. I have never "decorated" a sketch book cover- but that will soon end - what a great idea you have shared. What a beautifull cover you have created. I always love your girls....they are really unique in can tell each has their own identity and story to be told.

  6. Yes, I have several too. I like the water color and mixed media because I'm not fond of buckled pages and then I can use anything on them!
    Marianne :)
