
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mishap update

Ok, so here it is a few days later dry enough to use a soft brush to gently brush off the particles. I actually hyperventilated for nothing. Most of the specks brushed off and I thought it was rather interesting. So, not to be outdone by my stupidity, I think I improved it. I needed palette knife practice so I decided to just redo the background and add something interesting at the bottom. When it dries I think I will stencil some subtle design in the background. Maybe some swirls.

Creativity is a funny thing sometimes (not ha ha funny-- but sometimes it is). Sometimes I go to bed thinking I will never be able to create anything again then the next morning everything is fresh and new and I try again. I guess that's what it's all about. 
"The little painter that could."
I am sure I am not the only one.


  1. you know marthy i think it is a common thing, at least i am hoping it is...happens to me often!

  2. Oh yay! This looks wonderful. You are definitely the painter that COULD!

  3. That's exactly how I felt after this weekend! Couldn't get anything to come together! I know I will wake up one of these days and have a burst of inspiration. That's how it happens! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Love the painting - I lose all my steam at night. The morning almost always brings a new outlook!! Your posts are always fun (and inspiring) to read!

  5. Another great result - and I loved reading all about the process and the little wind mishap - oh my gosh, what we don't go through. And how many times do I think, "What was I thinking?!!" But, no harm, no foul - it looks great!

  6. great save..and so fun to read about.... ;-)

  7. You're certainly not the only one. So many times I sit down to do something creatively and freeze, watching every original thought fly out of my head. There's nothing better than knowing exactly what steps you want to do next, but so rare.

  8. Every time I begin a new doll I panic....and wonder if I will be able to do a proper or good or decent face ... and so good....
