
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Practicing loose---

One of my goals as an artist to just have fun painting and don't think too much about the exact shape of things.  Abd sometimes I come across an artist that sets my creative spirit free and helps me to loosten up. That artist now (I have had a few) is Robert Joyner. He is REALLY loose and sketches with a fat Sharpie for pete's sake!
So I decided that I was up for the challenge so I found my fat Sharpie and started to sketch. There is something about that fat Sharpie that set me free. At least for today. Sometimes I think I am free but the cage door is still open and at the end of the day I go back into my little cage. Ok, so I know why the caged bird sings...
The caged bird sings
with a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom. 
Maya Angelou
She is not a poet that I read but I thought this was appropriate for my art life.
 I am that little bird in the cage that sometimes gets to soar--- because the cage door is always open.
PS Yes, I know, it does look like Robert Burridge. I like him too.


  1. good morning, martha......i enjoyed your post this morning with my first cup of coffee and now am watching the videos of robert joyner with my second cup. them...and your paintings also, of course....

  2. love both those artist's but see the let loose side of you here. Nice, I like what you've done.
    Amy Jo

  3. Jeepers Martha...all kinds of fun here today. I followed both of them on Twitter...great stuff. Fat sharpies...who knew? My friend here in Wichita came over one day and we did an exercise with her Sharpie collection and that was to sketch each other as quickly as possible. The drawings were so so fun. Your fruit art is loose and fun! But those are not Sharpie are they? Oil, right?

    I am so glad I stopped in today. Thank you Martha!

  4. es diferente! tiene un aire tan fresco, suelto como dices! Me gustaría probarlo, porque queda realmente bonito!

  5. Love this new look you are painting Martha, it's full of life!!

  6. These are fabulous I tell you...fabulous!
    You are growing in leaps and bounds!

