
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Another nutritious meal

He just cracks me up the way he says butter.
Anyway as you see I have no artwork. Well, I do have lots of pears I have been painting getting ready to film "Pear-ology" but after you paint 50 of them and post most of them they start looking just alike. So I thought I would spare you the pear boredom.

Here's a news flash...
I am starting (restarting) a new venture which will be fun I think. (I hope)
I used to play guitar when I was younger and when I was 13 I had a rummage sale in front of my daddy's store to raise money for this very expensive Gibson classical guitar I wanted. I paid $150 for it 45 years ago so at today's prices that would probably be over $1000 now. I am just guessing on that one but back then is was a nice guitar.

I have agreed to lead some singing at our church with the little ones and I decided I would get out the old Gibson and get it restrung and give it a go. Our son, Zach, the" lawyer by day and rock star by night" said he would help me. I can play just basic little tunes on the guitar so hopefully this will turn out to be fun and not a disaster. Here is the Gibson.

It will be interesting to see if my old skills will come back. I will have to practice up on what I played back then..."If I had a Hammer", "Lemon Tree", " Hang Down your Head Tom Dooley".
You remember those, right?  :)))

Ok, I am off to Chip's Music Store with the 'ole girl and see if she can some back to life.


  1. What fun. I hope you'll be posting a video! ;-)

  2. Your grandson is a doll Martha! So cute!

    I wish you well with learning the guitar again. I do remember those songs, very well in fact.


  4. beautiful guitar and good luck with your musical venture, just give it with your heart and it will be as beautiful as your pears. hugs

  5. You are such an inspiration, Martha! I've learned so much from your classes on flowers and poppies!...Just wanted to say thank you and let you know that I drop by your blog daily just waiting for the "pear class"....You now occupy the first spot on my "google toolbar"...your blog is full of inspiration and drawing goodness!

  6. Martha, It always comes back.. LOL, but maybe need a little practice ahead of time, however you will do fine.. I just know you will! Enjoy!

  7. Hi Martha!

    Looking forward to your Pearology..going to join over the weekend! So, how are you doing with your guitar? I did the same thing with my guitar I had when I was a it back playing and music will come back to you!! Hope you are playing! Keep us posted! Music can bring add to doing your it's a "quicker" creative endeavor! At least that is what I have found!

  8. beautiful guitar and good luck with your musical venture, just give it with your heart and it will be as beautiful as your pears. hugs
