
Friday, October 28, 2011

When you can't paint...doodle!

Well, I guess you could call this more like alpha doodling but I am still having trouble cranking back up to paint so when all else fails...doodle!!!  And along that line...when you're feeling blue...doodle!  When you're feeling lonely...doodle!!! When you're feeling bored...DOODLE! When you're feeling like you'll never create another painting in your life then...DOODLE!! Actually I am not feeling blue or lonely, just unmotivated to continue to try to paint "the big one." I'll paint again but I think I just need to recharge a bit. So when you need to recharge..DOODLE!!!

Oh, also I wanted to tell you about this fabulous pad of  paper I did this on. It's called Clairefontaine Pupitre. This is a graph pad (you know how I love a grid!) and it's wonderful for markers, pen work, pencil work but doesn't like watercolor. It's smooth as a baby's behind...and I hve felt a sweet little smooth one recently! I love this paper. It comes plain white too. It's like writing on silk.
Watch this wonderful video suggested by Nita.
Doodlers, Unite!!!


  1. Yes, indeed! Don't miss this Ted talk on the importance of doodling:

  2. I love to see you doodling again and anything Calligraphic be it formal or casual. TFS

  3. You amaze me, Martha, with your creativity in lettering! Bravo! Never get tired of seeing them.

  4. Martha, these doodles are gorgeous! Also, thanks for the info on the paper, it sounds wonderful. I'm off to check out the video-Happy weekend!

  5. Oh, I love this, fabulous!!! (My name is Martha too)

  6. love, love, LOVE your work Martha. Thank you for sharing and inspiring!

    I am trying to find my way with watercolor as my heart keeps whispering "watercolor" and your work genuinely speaks to the heart.


  7. Pinterest is wonderful because it inspires me and takes me to such wonderful inspiring works. Thanks for sharing and hope it rubs off on me.

  8. Love your "M" and Doodles.. Very Zenspiring!
