
Friday, September 16, 2011

Follow Your Bliss in the big journal

I am really enjoying Jane Davenport's "Supplies Me" online class. I even pulled out my 9x12 journal again so I could use my colored pencils. I have never really enjoyed using colored pencils because I never thought it poped enough for me but I am learning that paired with copic markers that are great. I colored the face with copic markers but then used the colored pencils to shade and enhance. I love the way Jane teaches to draw the face and the body! The body--you know I have always wanted to learn tips and tricks to do that!

I am heading up to Greenville today to spend the weekend with Baby Marc (oh yeah, with his mama and dad too!) and Macaulay's friends are giving her a little Sprinkle they call it. It's like a baby shower but since it's a second baby and it's a girl they called it a sprinkle. So I am going for the sprinkle.


  1. Oh my, your girl is sooooo lovely!!!! I love the colors and the writing! I hope someday I can create a page like that.

  2. Love your journal spread. Sounds like a fun class. I love how they changed the name from baby shower to baby sprinkle,I never heard that before. So cute. Have fun on your visit.

  3. Martha, this I a beautiful journal spread. Love it. See you at Jane's. I'm taking her class also.
    Kyles :D

  4. oh how i love what you do in your big journal!! your girl has a bit of a different look to her i think...i like it!

    a sprinkle, that's cute!!

    have fun Marthy!!

  5. have a fun visit with your family, martha...grand babies are the best..

    i admire you for filling a 9x12 journal page.....beautiful

  6. I love that Stacy London quote "life begins when you step out of your comfort zone"...who knew What Not to Wear could deliver fashion sense AND life truths lol.

  7. Martha, I smiled immediately when I saw that you had done another of your journal pages, I don't know why but they always are so pleasing to my eyes. Your lettering of coarse is always beautiful but the overall presentation and fun things you place on your page are always awesome.
    Have fun with your grandbabies and at the SPRINKLE - I LOVE that!
    Hugs and blessings

  8. Your girl is beautiful! What a lovely journal spread.

  9. i love all the happiness that's going on in your big journal! you always do such a great job creating these spectacular pages! have fun sprinklin' this weekend! xoxo

  10. She's beautiful!!! I have a ton of Copic markers and almost never use them because they bleed through paper so badly :( I really love the PITT markers (don't bleed through) but the best colors are in the smaller size brush pens. *sigh*

  11. That's gorgeous, Martha! Have fun with your family! XOXO, Donna

  12. I love your journal page and the girl is fantastic! have fun at the sprinkle!!!

  13. I like your flower paintings, but I'm missed your journal postings! They are always so inspiring.

  14. Martha! I love this two page spread!
    You are as always, a never ending wonder in the department of inspiring me to pick up my pencils and markers and get busy already!

    I have just signed up for the SKETCHBOOK PROJECT 2012 with my hubby...we're both really excited to start filling our journals once they arrive in the mail. Have you ever done this? your inspirations!

    have a great night.
    ciao bella

    creative carmelina

  15. Love these pages, great job, this is my first time to your blog. Great Blog.

  16. What a terrific term "sprinkle" is! How excited you must be for another grandchild to love on. Your lettering is beautiful as always Martha!
