
Friday, September 23, 2011

Drawing a face with Jane

I just received my new Pantone colored pencils in from Dick Blick and I had to draw a girl with them. I love drawing faces. It really is very relaxing just as Jane says. This was the back of some paper I had painted on and the texture on the paper is more than I would have wanted because it wouldn't really blend. Next time I will choose some smooth paper so I can blend the pencils. Love my Pantones---but I love the Lyra as well as the Prismacolors also. I am becoming more of a fan of colored pencils I think! I will probably put her in my new journal I made yesterday. Maybe I will blog it so you can see it. I need to sew it up.


  1. She's lovely! You are really pulling a lot from this class, but, then, you always do so well with any class! I made my first handmade journal last night. I was so excited about doing it. Lori at Elvie Studio had done one and gave a link for a video tutorial. This one was quite easy to make. Now all I need is to come up with a theme for it! :)

  2. you are amazingly talented at drawing faces and blending colors. I'll just sit back in jealousy, K?

  3. She's really pretty..pensive and a little pouty :-) Love her!

  4. Lovely face! I hope you do blog the journal because I love what you do with them. So inspirational!!

  5. Awwwwwwwww, thank you, Martha! You are too good to me. I'll never make teacher of the year, but thanks for boosting my morale when I am exhausted tonight! Your girl and faces are beautiful! have a GREAT weekend! xox kath

  6. Beautiful Martha! I love how she turned out. :-)
