
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gelli-Arts Mono Print Book

Well, it turned out ok but I am not jumping up and down over the choice of colors and design of the cover.  I monoprinted the cover on 300 lb Arches paper and was just feeling a little to chintzy to print it again. I basically wanted to see if I could remember how to sew it with the Japanese stitch (similar to the coptic stitch) that I learned at a recent workshop.
So... it is what it is and I had a blast monoprinting the papers on this ingenious gel plate and will do more of this fun printing.

Now... look at the very bottom picture and look at my other new toy. It is a Rebounder and it's the best way to exercize without adding stress to the bones and with hardly any sweat. That's my kind of exercise! There is something about the bounce that is good for our cells and lymphatic system. I turn on my iTunes and jump away with a big smile on my face. It's fun...and I am getting in shape and strengthening my poor old aging bones.

Ok so here is the cover with the ill chosen colors, label and doodlings...
I hate to put stuff up that is not wonderful but hey, this is what my blog is for.  It's to record my everyday art journey and not everything gives me that much desired art high. So I hear Mattie Lou muse right now saying,
"Just get over it and move on!" don't have to believe Jane Fonda when she says,
 "You have to work hard, sweat and get sore to see any results."


  1. Martha,
    I love your book, the cover and the colours that you have chosen. But more than that, I love how you portray your journey as an artist. It gives me courage and hope to push boundaries.
    I LOVE the poppies workshop. Beautiful and inspiring.
    Have a wonderful day.

  2. The great part about putting stuff up you're not so excited about yourself is that other people will tell you how wonderful it is after all (you just didn't see it yet). Here I go: your book is wonderful!

  3. I love your book, Martha! I get all bubbly when you show new ones!!! Happy exercising! Now I have to hop on my exercise bike....

  4. What's to not love here? The book looks wonderful...full of color and texture. Yummy. I'm afraid of your other new toy... I would have a certain "fall-off factor" I'm sure! But the no sweat, no stress factor is appealing.

  5. The books great and love the paper you printed on very yummy.
    I've been using my treadmill but I think I'll dig out my rebounder and see if I get better results with it. Happy bouncing !

  6. Martha, Your book is wonderful!! I love all of it: The Gelli-prints (I ordered one yesterday!) the stitching and I see nothing wrong with the cover, rich yummy Fall-ish colors. Your re-bounder looks like fun, too!

  7. more beautiful art......and i had a chuckle this morning when i saw the "rebounder".....i remember this from many years ago...did they call it a "rebounder" then.....i remember my kids wanting to play on the "jumpy thing"....they used it more than

  8. That exercise thingy reminds me of Fried Green Tomatoes :)

  9. Martha... for what it's worth, I LOVE your little book. Not sure where you wanted it to go... but I really love it.

  10. Love the book and all that you share with us!!! And that excersize thing!!!....well, I brought one of those from Florida to Texas in a move in 1973 and the the thing is still in mint condition and the grandkids favorite thing to drag around and bounce on....maybe I need to get back to it myself!!!!

  11. I love the effects on the paper and all your delicious color choices. I'm assuming the "designs" will transfer on all weights of paper that one might use for art journaling...even heavy watercolor paper or collage-layered papers?
    Thank you for sharing!

  12. Hey, what are you talking about! I love your book. I need to learn how to stitch books together. Yours always look so beautiful Martha.

    I've thought about getting a rebounder myself. Our local heath food store sells them and have told me all about the good things it does to keep your body running top notch. So glad you said how much you like yours. Maybe I'll take the plunge too.

    ♥Lee Ann
