
Monday, June 6, 2011

Faith Bird

I tried something new on Mr. Faith Bird. I had seen a video that I bought several years ago about using masking fluid to mask off areas on watercolor paintings. I decided to mask off the bird and paint the background. All went very well until it was time to rub off the making. I think my masking fluid was very old so it didn't come off very easily. Never the less I think I saved him although  next time I will stick to my original way of painting. The original way is painting the bird first then adding the leaves and background or just adding a light background first and painting the bird next. I still like him though.


  1. Martha 'Faith bird' is wonderful, I love all of your birds aand flowers too! xx

  2. Really stunning Martha! Gorgeous background too!

  3. He looks beautiful Martha, the entire piece is beautiful. I with defiantly take a bird class if you decide on one. Having a lot of fun with the flowers :) Love the poppies in your header.

  4. looks to me like it worked just fine.
    he's beautiful!

  5. awesome whatever technique you used... bird class???

  6. It's a very beautifull bird! I like it!

  7. He looks great and love your doodles below too!

  8. Without your mention of the masking task challenge, it looks wonderful. I even like that it has a vintage-y feel to it. You did a wonderful job here.

  9. He's lovely Martha. Did you fix the bird, because I don't see any masking issues with him? He's really cute and I love your background!

  10. He's beautiful Martha! That background really sets him off well.

  11. Hi Martha,
    Not sure what you're talking about~This piece looks fabulous!
    Love the bird, background and the mixed media involved.
    Creative hugs,

  12. Faith Bird is just spectacular. Your backgrounds are super interesting. I would never have known how you created this...I just know it is beautiful.

  13. Martha, any technique you use ends up beautifully...

    Hugs and blessings

  14. I love birdies and your little Faith bird is so sweet! Love your style.
    I just finished a little birdie painting too and posted it on my blog today.

  15. I'm sooooo glad I found you!! You Art is just what I love to do and look at. Thank you, Penny B

  16. He looks great and love your doodles below too!
