
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Denis Brown Workshop

Yes, we has lots of fun here at the Red Door Art Studio with Denis Brown. Geez, what a genius he is and it will take lots of practice (maybe even another lifetime) to master his style of calligraphy but hey, it's a start!
If you are not a calligrapher, I apologize for the gushing because you are surely thinking, what's the big woop? As I said before in my last post (a long time ago!) Denis is from Dublin, Ireland, and is one of the foremost calligraphers and teachers probably in the world. It was quite a feat to get this to work out where he could come here to Jacksonville. I hope he enjoyed us southern women. He couldn't understand a word I said and he had to say politely, "Pardon?" every time I asked him a question. 

Below we were all done and about to send him off on the plane before a quick stop at the pub right down the street. Yes, he is a true Irishman!
Look at Lori below. I know what she is thinking...
Holy cow!
 I was thinking the same thing. Denice is scratching her head.
His calligraphy is amazing.

And look at this: He signed my wall! How cool is that? Ok, now, back to work on letterforms from Calligraphy.TV.


  1. Now I know what a treat and joy it was to have him there. And he signed your cool is that!

  2. Martha, WOW! I'm so thrilled for you and the other ladies. And he signed your wall!! It sounds like you had a GREAT day.

  3. Dennis Brown is a very good calligrapher! I love his work!


  4. Looks like a fun time, and how cool that he signed your it!

  5. Oh Martha,
    I'd be gushing too!
    If only I could do calligraphy. I've always admired it.
    Me, well I'm a lefty and quite messy. lol
    Creative hugs,

  6. Wow! How cool is that, that he came to your studio and signed your wall even! Wow!! As my husband and I would say, "That was definitely a trip highlight!"

  7. So if you ever move, you'll take that bit of the wall with you, right? LOL

  8. Looks as though you had a great time! I'm sure it was a treat for Denis to teach in a warm, intimate and welcoming space such as the Red Door Studio. With your southern hospitality, Martha, he probably didn't want to leave! :)
