
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Journal Page Lost but now Found

This is the journal page that was lost with the blogger hiccup the other day. I do enjoy the "journey" of these big journal pages. I never really know how they will turn out. And sometimes they don't turn out at all so I have to go to plan B which is--- cover it up with scrapbook paper and start again!


  1. Beautiful spread,love it,glad you reposted it.

  2. wonderful pages, so many varying elements. Love her collaged in hair, very cool

  3. Beautiful pages, glad they were found xx

  4. Oh MArtha, This is gorgeous. And the idea that there are covered up pages under pages is almost like a hidden secret/treaure within ones hands while holding and viewing your wonderful pages.

  5. Haven't done this in a long while and start missing it now! Very pretty, these pages!

  6. All that beautiful lettering, and the collage hair-do... lovely!

  7. Well this one sure "turned out"!
    Beautiful work!!!

  8. Lovely pages and I agree: the collaged hair is very cool.

  9. Wow I love all the detail and the handwriting types. The ladies you draw are very gorgeous. You are very creative.

  10. I can imagine your journals in the Smithsonian someday. They are such a work of art and a personal diary of your daily journey. I love them. Happy week...

  11. Martha, I think your big journal pages are my favorite. They are just filled to the brim with juicy goodness. I think I'm so hesitant to do pages like these because my handwriting is SO BAD! but your writing is just beautiful.
