
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Color Drop Flowers Growing Fast

The flowers are blooming all around me here in Jacksonville and these flowers really are growing fast. The Color Drop workshop starts May 16th but the supply video and the supply list are up at Creative Workshops.

I am starting to work on the Poppy class now.
Have a great day, bloggy buddies!


  1. I'm sitting on the front row of your class with brush in hand and paper ready. Can't wait. (Wish we had flowers here in SLC--it's snowing-still, and 30 degrees.)

  2. wow, this is an awesome video. For a few weeks I want to try watercoloring... didn't find the energy to do so, but this video reallly helps! Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. awesome!!!:O) Have a great week!!!!

  4. That was fun, seeing your painting come to life, girl you make it look so easy.

  5. Awesome video! I may have missed the information on the Creative Workshop website, but how many lessons/weeks is the Color Drop Flowers class?

  6. fun to watch the flowers take shape in your video.

  7. Can't wait to take your new class.
    How many weeks or lessons is it?

  8. I was showing my husband your video and he was awestruck haha!
    Beautiful work and just love to see how you create it.
    Lesley x

  9. WOOHOO! Just sign up for the class, I cannot wait, these are so beautiful!


  10. I'm interested in your Color Drops class at Creative Workshops. I'm assuming it's not "real time," and that we can take it when it's convenient. How many lessons are there, and do you plan to offer more than one workshop, so that we can build on the skills that we learn? Thanks. I LOVE your work! (Just discovered your blog.)

  11. Gorgeous...just found you:) I went to sign up for your class but it has been closed due to high traffic:( So I will wait patiently.....or try to be patient to sign up.

  12. Oh my goodness..I just happened upon your blog this morning...I watched this video of you working and I find myself in such awe of your style.
    So amazing, so beautiful..
    Such a happy place you share with your brush, paints and pens...
    Thank you bringing a sunshiney smile to my heart..

  13. I just found your video last night and watched it 7-8 times. Truly fascinating and inspiring. I would love to find an oriental brush like you used in video. You made it look so simple - I will need lots of practice - look forward to that! Thanks so much!!
