
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Be simple...

After battling the large girls on the canvas I just decided I needed to paint something simple and childlike. I did drop in the color and even used some Hydrus colors that I have which I  love to use. There is something I really love about childlike art. Maybe it's the simplicity or the memories of childhood or the colors but whatever it is... I love it. After completing the girls on the canvases with hours and hours and layers and layers, sometimes it's really nice to just be simple and let little Mattie Lou artist come out sometimes.


  1. Okay, this is a great setting for a she-art girl :)
    You're going to have fun!

  2. This is adorable! I just love that name "mattie lou" LOL.

  3. i love this, martha.....are you doing the "she art"....when diane showed her "she art" on her blog, i was drawn to it... i can see myself buried in paper scraps now.. lol

  4. So agree with you Martha, need to mix it up to keep it fresh and this is a wonderfully 'fresh' piece. The colours are so clear, thanks for the link about that.

  5. OK I need a project for my art club tomorrow and I just went to Isabel's blog and saw her cute houses and now you have one adorable house too so I think we will be inspired by you two and I will let you know how our houses turn out.

  6. Simple and beautiful!! I love the colors and the style oohh the border is nice too!

  7. What a sweet little painting. I love the happy colours Martha

  8. i love this, martha.....are you doing the "she art"....when diane showed her "she art" on her blog, i was drawn to it... i can see myself buried in paper scraps now.. lol

  9. In the quote from Ecclesiastes, the word "its" should not have an apostrophe. "It's" is a contraction for "it is."
