
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Alma Mater

When we were up in Greenville, SC, babysitting for baby Marc, we decided we would drive about 45 minutes to Spartanburg to see Converse College, the college I attended. I loved this college because this is where I learned to study, party (a skill I have thankfully lost!), make great friends and shag. Anyone know how to do the South Carolina shag? There is nothing more fun than that! I also met my husband there because he attended the neighboring mens' college, Wofford College. We had such a good time and the memories just go on and on. But back to my story. The three of us were toodling down the road in our daughter's van as happy as clams with my camera in tow to take some pictures for sketching when all of a sudden a box springs mattress flew out of nowhere and landed right in front of us on the road and there was nothing we could do but hit it. Long story made short, after the wrecker lifted the car up to pull out the mangled- up box springs, (thank the Lord for the DVD player in the car!) the car was thankfully drivable and ok except for a fender guard that kept falling down and dragging. So we just went home...  no pictures but so thankful we were all ok. This is from their website that I sketched and painted today.


  1. good golly, so glad that no harm came to any of you, what a bazar story!
    And what a great sketch/painting, this is wonderful

  2. OMGosh Martha that must have been scary,thank God everybody was ok and it didnt land over your windshield. Oh and I love your sketch!

  3. so thankful none of your were injured. i can only imagine what was going through your mind, especially with baby Marc in the car...

    fabulous sketch Marthy!

  4. Yikes!! Glad you all are ok!! Loving these Journal pages:O) Anticipating the next page:O)

  5. Wow! I am so glad you are all okay. That would be awful! And your sketch is beautiful as always.

  6. What a strange thing to happen! I am so glad you were all okay! Nothing like being run over by a box-spring mattress! LOL!
    Beautiful sketch.

  7. OMG how scary! Glad everone is o.k. Bummer you didn't get to make it to your college, but you did a lovely painting anyway.

  8. What a story! Reminds me of when our neighbor years ago had a tree fall on his car on the expressway & it made the news (he was ok).
    Mature trees fall on cars, more common in some areas than others, here since apparently over time the weather has taken a toll on their roots. I couldn't tell if Baby Marc was in the car with you all. Thankfully no one was hurt! The painting is wonderful!

  9. How thankful that none of you got hurt. Your sketch is beautiful and sounds like you have wonderful memories of your college years.

  10. LOVE your sketch, martha!! it's the next best thing to being there (without the mattress!! yikes!). xox

  11. Whew, what a ride! Am coming over from Elvie Studio and instantly like your blog! Am your newest follower;)

  12. So glad you are all safe!!! (a lovely painting!)
