
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Waiting...but not bored...

This is why I love journals, I never ever get bored. Sometimes I get a little antsy but never bored. I actually finished her at home because the car was ready. The time went by fast even though a little problem turned into a bigger problem--and isn't that usually the way anyway? Well, it was all ok though because I had the new Journaling magazine with me also. I guess I could have sat there all day if I had to because I was equipped with all my "boredom buster" supplies. I also have a phone that checks my email too. So actually I can take a good time with me anywhere I go that requires a wait. I am very much like my daddy though. He would always say, "When I run into a wait, I change my plans." He was a very funny man.


  1. Oh you're dad sounds wise! Great journal page, love her expression. Makes me want to get into journalling.

  2. This is such a great journal page!!! I always love your work!!

  3. Great page and she's beautiful!

  4. wonderful, and love what your daddy said...

    somehow i missed your last post and your big journal. i love that spread Martha!

  5. What do you keep in your "boredom buster" bag?

  6. "When I run into a wait, I change my plans".....and you are a classic example....Your dad was an insightful man and left you much wisdom......

    I love this one especially because it was all about an issue that was really happening....Priceless.....
    Art on the teach us so much Martha.....
    Thanks for sharing yourself with us....


  7. Great journal page!! And I share your philosophy:
    I can deal with waiting IF I have my journal. . . and a few snacks!

  8. Great color and what a haircut...I think I gotta get my hair cut like this:)

  9. Beautiful journal page. I so relate to never being bored, just maybe antsy. Great idea to always be prepared with your art tool kit. Happy Hearts to you...

  10. This is beautiful Martha. I love it. Very inspiring indeed.

    Kyles =D

  11. Have i told you how much I love your faces, Martha? She is lovely and I love the colours you put together
