
Friday, February 25, 2011

Sketching and painting in the car

This was not an easy task for sure. Next time I will bring a lap desk but I used the back of a canvas painting that I was bringing to Macaulay. Of course the sippy cup was after we got here. I was having my restless hands syndrome in the car so I had to paint something. I started feeling kinda woozy so I had to stop. I wonder if knitting would help me? My mama taught me to knit years ago but I wouldn't know where to start now. I will have to think about that for these 6 hour drives in the car.


  1. These sketches are gorgeous!! I can never work in the car as I always get so queasy!! Awesome work!!

  2. hi Martha, I haven't visited in a while. But today I stopped by and your art is soooo gorgeous as always. Would you please let me know what you used to sketch and paint these gorgeous flowers? I informally teach my children art at home and I think they would have a ball to try these new mediums. ( so will I!! LOL)

    On another note, trying not to be critical, I see you changed the font on your blog. at first glance, it looks really fun and artsy, but after reading a few lines this font is very tiresome to the eyes. :(

    Love your work anyway. :)

  3. your sketches are always so yummy. i'm enjoying alisa burke's sketchbook delight class. :-)

  4. These are so beautiful! I always get woozy trying to sketch in the car too!

  5. So beautiful!! Try listening to a book on tape as you sketch, or loud music. Those two things are the only way I can really do anything without getting carsick when I am a passenger in a car...

  6. there's no way i could have painted anything nearly this fabulous in the car!! you amaze me! and while you do great things with your restless hands and a paintbrush, all i want to do in the car with my hands is put chocolate in my mouth!! have fun with the marc-inator!! :)))

  7. They are great for being in a moving car!!! Love them and knitting sounds great, the painting probably gave you a bit of motion sickness. have a great trip:O)

  8. These were done in a moving vehicle!! Ehh Gads, lady you are awesome!!!! LOL! Love your stuff, always will.

  9. These are just gorgeous and I can't believe you can create something so beautiful whilst in the car!! I'd be very sick haha!
    Lesley x

  10. These flowers are beautiful! What did paints did you use? I have done many things in the car but never could figure out how to paint! Love your work!

  11. Beautiful, can't imagine how you pulled that off while driving in a car!

  12. I just started Alisa's sketchbook class and I like it! Your wonderful sketches are what talked me into it.
    I would always get queasy like that too in the car, but not anymore, and I'm so glad --this is my favorite thing to do when we travel!

  13. These are wonderful Martha! I love them! I can't imagine how you did this in the car! I couldn't do it at the table. :) Fran Where do you put your art materials (paint, water etc.) while you work when in the car?

  14. Martha, your art is always so beautiful, clean, adventurous, exciting, different... I love it

  15. Amazing Martha! I can't get enough of your art...

  16. Wow! Amazing what you can paint even while riding in the car!

  17. Hi Martha...your flowers are lovely. I am admiring your sketches so much that I'm thinking of taking Alisa's class. What kind of watercolors do you use?

  18. your art always amazes me! these are so beautiful!

  19. Beautiful sketches Martha. I have long car trips to see my relatives and i get car sick too, and am always trying to find something that I can do without getting woozy, knitting has been a help but I also now put my earphones in, turn the ipod on, and meditate for an hour.

  20. oh my heavens, look at how wonderful you paint in a car!!!!!!!! Gorgeous. Truly gifted woman…….

  21. I'm amazed that you did these while traveling in the car! They are all delightful. Have you ever considered teaching a class on how you do watercolor flowers? It looks like it would be so fun!!

  22. I always try to sketch and draw what I see while I am riding. I also take a couple of catalogs to use as reference materials.

  23. Hm, doing something like sketching would be very helpful during those long car trips. On the other hand, take care no to get carsick. Don't push yourself with drawing when you're feeling dizzy in a moving vehicle.
