
Monday, November 1, 2010

Junk In-->Junk Out

This is a little whimsey girl from Tam's class that I sketched into my composition journal where I keep my food lists. I colored her in with colored pencils. I am enjoying Tam's free class so much that I might even take some of her other classes. I really like her.


  1. She's adorable. Love what you wrote too.

  2. A sweet girl with a great message. Will have to look into the class.

  3. yeah, no more junk for me......
    i have eaten way too much candy these past few days!!!!

    i find when i eat too much sugar my pain level shoots way up!!!

    i have no will-power!!!! :/

  4. How wonderful to concentrate on YOU and your health while still being creative doing so. Your art is the treasure!! Happy Health...

  5. Neither do I Mary!! Seems I get rid of one thing and take up a new one.
    This is such a fun piece Martha and with such an upbeat message, only you would handle giving up all this stuff and enjoy it :-)

  6. Wonderful page....and soooo true what you write...........

  7. I'm glad you were able to find out what was bothering you.

    I'm taking that class too. Isn't it great! I'm a couple weeks behind I think but I'm still having fun.

  8. I am taking Tam's class as well but wanted...needed to share with YOU that YOU are one of the artists that inspired me to pick up my pencils, pens, paints, etc once again! I took your Calligra-fun class last year and it opened the art world up to me once again. I was mostly inspired by your inclusion of your faith in your work. I have always done the same type (including scripture, etc) but didn't think there was an interest in "Christian art" (not sure if that's what you would call it but for lack of a better term)
    So thank you dear Martha!
    {{{BIG HUGZ}}} I'm taking big steps now to begin sharing my work with others.

  9. Hi Martha,
    Oh wow, how cute is she!
    I must pull my fingers out and get cracking on my gal.

  10. Hi Martha,
    What a great and positive message and of course your girl is very cute!! The class sounds like fun.

  11. I love your inspiraional message about healthy eating. Your gal is great! I'm glad you are feeling better!

  12. Martha;
    I REALLY love your whimsy girl! I so did not use my imagination with mine as they look very much like what she taught and I veered off very little! You did a great job with yours!
