
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Organic Girl"

Yep, that me! All organic and no hives for going on 4 weeks now. I really don't think it was Bucky but still--it might be--but I really think I was poisoning myself with processed foods. This is my new credo: I won't eat it if my grandmother wouldn't recognize it and if it has too many unpronounceable ingredients. Anyway, this is what I have figured out at least so far that was causing these awful hives off and on for 6 months or so. I had a comprehensive and complete check of all autoimmune, heart, celiacs and many more and nothing was out of order there (yay!)---so it is something I am eating or  it's environmental.
So, yep. that's me--organic girl. This is from an actual photo I took of my organic fruits sitting on my counter. Actually, the tall green thing is something I got at the farmer's market and I don't plan to eat it---but it made for a good composition. And again, Dr. PH Concentrated watercolors with a little regular watercolor, some Hydrus and a little bit of Copic spray. 


  1. hi martha...your watercolours are so beautiful...i love the still lifes....i am always drawn to them and used to do nothing else when i did oils....

    about organic, did you ever find the organic poptarts?? if you have a whole foods they have them there...i get mine for my husband at ingles here....they are all organic with no funky additives....

  2. Martha,
    This watercolor piece is fantastic! Organic girl! Wonderful!!!!!!!!!

    So happy your hives are gone and stopped! Hurray!

  3. COngrats on figuring out what was giving you the hives!

    I can't believe how much your art has grown in the last year. I love still life.

  4. I have to laugh at this. Did you see the McDonalds hamburger that didn't mold in 180 days? True, it didn't mold.

    Now I look at food and say, "I bet that doesn't mold either." So, I am trying to eat foods that I know will eventually mold ;)

    Beautiful painting. I love the vibrant colors.

  5. I absolutely love the colors and the composition of this piece.

    I'm glad going organic has helped your hives.

  6. So glad you've got this condition under control. I think it's the foods too, I know I've had to give up a lot of the processed stuff to combat migraines.
    Love the still life, vibrant with wonderful texturing. By the way, Dick Blick sells the Dr. Martins at a much better price, in fact most art supplies are cheaper through DickBlick. check it out

  7. Great composition, color and visual interest! And I'm so glad going organic is helping you so much!

  8. Love your still life and the colors are so vibrant!

  9. So glad to read your diet has helped!! Love this painting- SO beautiful!

  10. This is so vibrant and makes me want to eat fruit!!! This is great that you are better and that it is not the cute, sweet, loveable BUCKY!!!! If a CEO from a big time fruit company sees this piece he will want it for his next campaign!!

  11. Martha;
    I'm in this group too now! I have been on a gluten-free, organic, mostly sugar and chemical free (pop and such)going on almost 4 months now. I have noticed a huge difference in my health so far. I changed my diet to help the pain I was having with Fibromyalgia though I am finding it helps with so much more than this. I do not retain water like I used to (always swelled up), my skin is clear and I don't crave sugar and/or salty things as much. I am actually craving vegetables and fruit! Crazy huh? I think it's an awesome thing! I am so glad it has worked for you too! Yay! Here's to an organic life! lol

  12. grandma always knew best.....and she would have LOVED this colorful organic tribute!!! bring on the organic rainbow!!! xox, :))

  13. Love the wonderful color Martha. What a wonderful job on this. Glad you are feeling better.

  14. Great news Martha! So glad that you are feeling better. Organic is great!
    Love this new piece of artwork...your shading and highlights are wonderful. Such a colorful piece of work. I just love it!
    hugs, Sue

  15. Your art is beautiful..I love your lettering..
    Glad you are better.

  16. Wonderful news that you are feeling so much better and minus those irritative hives. Organic Girl Rules...

  17. good to be your own health detective and organic is wise especially if you can get local grown.funny what was considered tree hugger food back in the day is now mainstream.about time.
    your watercolor is very tasty too a fitting visual for any foodie!
