
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

More stars...

This image below is the original with the calligraphy written on the piece. I used black gouache and I added a bit of Pearl-X pigments in gold and you can see it but the letters have some bling. The Stickles are on this one too---but the scanner won't pick it up. I suppose I could have mixed up some gouache and written it in purple but I like the graphic look of the black lettering. They are both on Strathmore 400 Series 9 x 11 watercolor paper from the pad.
This image below is a scan of just the stars without the lettering but I added the lettering in Photoshop from my calligraphy lettering file. Anytime I write something in calligraphy if I like it I will can it for future use. As you might see, if you follow my blog, I use this one quite often. I have one more star piece that I might add some lettering to it with a different quote. I guess my calligraphy comfort zone is image on the left, writing on the right. One of these days maybe I will change that up a bit.
Writing make me extremely happy...extremely...that is when it works. Not always does it work.  Then I am sad--but only for a moment!


  1. The are both lovely pieces. I like the colors in them. That second qoute is wonderful. And you do send light into my heart every time I visit.

  2. Beautiful, and the text is just so perfect with your artwork.

  3. great pieces, what a magic tool that scanner. Hugs

  4. martha your writing is so beautiful,,i can see from the results that you must love it....i think we need to do what makes us happy..... hugs

  5. your beautiful artwork always reveals that YOU are the real star here!!! and hey, image on the left, writing on the right......go with what you's definitely working (and is right in line with that "repetition" thing!!!). LOVE these pieces, martha!! xoxox, :))

  6. These are so beautiful, would love to see the real deal, bling and all. I don't know, is there anything wrong with comfort zones or knowing what works for you? Of course we can always pull a Pat Dews and mid-stream move from realistic painting to abstract/experimental. There really is no bottom to creativity.

  7. They both look wonderful. Your stars are very cool beans! Oh, your text is always out of the park...good.

  8. Both beautiful. Especially love the lettering on the second one.

  9. Beautiful,I love to see your lettering and quotes.

  10. Your writing is so FABULOUS! Love these pieces Martha and I love both of these quotes!

    You really are an inspiration to me!

  11. No need to be sad with these pieces - that's for sure. Your lettering is gorgeous - as are your designs. Beautiful work Martha!

  12. I think it's a good idea to photoshop it to see how it'll look but how do you get the calligraphy onto the picture? It's so pretty as are the ones in the posts below.

  13. The stars and lettering are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  14. I love all the star pieces you have here...lovely work...the text and stars are perfect together!!

  15. Hi Martha, I'm back. I'm trying to get to your most recent post "A" plan but I can't get to it--did you take it off?

  16. Love love love these pieces!! Your calligraphy is fantastic and your design and fun!
