
Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer is here...journal page

I am still working in this small journal that Lori gave me and as I am still trying to do...if I start one... I try to go on through and finish it. I like each journal to have a continuity. I wish I could think of insightful things about my life to put into my journal pages. Hot my hair cut...boring.
I will pull my quote book back out or even better, favorite Scripture-->not boring.


  1. Love your journal spread. Love the layout of this one. I have the same problem when I journal,always write stupid stuff or don't write anything at all.I usually do alot of writing underneath all the painting.

  2. Good morning, Martha! I love your journaling pages. I thought of you again yesterday evening when I took Ellie for a walk and we discovered a neighbors poppies. I had to ask her what the gorgeous flowers WERE because they were so different and me. The weren't the usual red crepe paper type at all! They are like pink pom poms! But, sure enough, when I looked closer (because of my doubts) they were crepe-like and the leaves were poppy leaves! Shall I photograph them for you?!

  3. Martha, your journal pages are soooooooo beautiful, you could write the actual word "BORING" and it would look wonderful! Your fun artful lettering is stunning no matter what the message!Love the colors here too! She reminded me of mama, is heartfelt and pretty! Your poppies are always bright and beautiful too!

  4. Martha, love your journal pages today, always love your poppies. Happy and safe 4th to you. Sandi

  5. Martha, beautiful pages. As always, love the poppies. Hope you have a great holiday. Love your journal and painting works.

  6. Beautiful layering.
    Don't worry about your writing content; these are just lovely!

  7. Hi again! I just ran out (much to Ellie's dismay--I could hear her barking!) and took photos of the pom pom poppies! I just posted them. Hope you love 'em, Martha! Have a beautiful day!

  8. Martha--never, never boring--I love your journal pages!!!

  9. Martha, even if you think what you write is boring, your drawings and paintings are not! I can't write or draw! LOL! Have a wonderful 4th of July!

