
Saturday, June 19, 2010

More stuff before we leave to babysit!

We are driving up to Greenville today to keep baby Marc while his mama and daddy go on a business trip for a week! I am really very very excited to keep him and I am glad Papa Chaunce is taking a week off so he can be there with me because I know it will be tiring.... but oh, in a good way! We love being at their house because you can see the mountains and it's like being on vacation. Baby Marc is growing so much and toddling everywhere and starting to say a few words. All that being said, I seriously doubt that I can get any art done even during his nap time so.... farewell, my bonnie blogger buddies, I will see you after the 27th. But I might start having blogger withdrawal and have to post a photo or something. Y'all have a wonderful and creative week. I will surely be checking in to see what you are doing. I've GOT to do that!!!!


  1. Dear Martha, how lovely that you will have a whole week with your lovely grandson - but you will be sorely missed in blogland! It always makes me smile when I see you have a new post in my Google Reader, so I guess I will just have to be patient and wait for your return. Enjoy yourself :)

  2. Wonderful pages Martha! I love your lettering of "grace and hope." Enjoy your time with your husband and Baby Marc!!

  3. Can't wait to hear your stories Grammie. You will have your hands full, but they will be full of love, being a grandma is the besets thing on earth!

    Love, love, love your wonderful journal pages

  4. Martha, your draw such lovely faces. I especially love the one in the first journal spread. What a look of peace on her face.

    I am glad your husband is going too. It takes a lot to look after a toddler - it will be nice to have a break every now and again.
    And for Marc to spend time with his wonderful grandparents will be a wonderful treat for him as well.

  5. Wow a week of babysitting,You're brave. I had my grandsons last night for a few hours and I'm exhausted! I love your journal pages. The girls are beautiful. Have fun babysitting.

  6. Have a GREAT time with Marc!!!
    Martha, I love your poppies...How did you create them on the Faith and Hope page? It looks like tissue paper! xox

  7. isn't it great to be a grandmother!!!! And you are right, you will have very little time to create...It has been 4 months of caring for an infant for me with little bits of art in between....but oh what memories I am collecting!!! will miss your colorful art postings....hugs

  8. Gorgeous pages as always. I am wishing you a safe trip and a happy week. We'll miss you!

  9. Hey Martha!
    i hope you have a fun time!

    these pages are inspirational to look at!
    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  10. Beautiful art, each and every one of them. So pretty.
    Hope your having an amazing weekend!



  11. Your art is always so uplifting and calming at the same time. You have a wonderful gift and I am so grateful you share it with us. Enjoy every minute of baby Marc and your "vacation". Being a grandma is the best!

  12. Martha,
    Your newest journal pages are stunning, all the artful lettering and fabulous faces are stunning!

    You and your hubby have a great time with your Grandson! That will be a wwwwwwwonderful thing and even if you are away from art for a week, that is ok! We will watch and wait for your return! IN the mean time, smoochies for the grandbaby are in order! Wheeeee!

  13. I just discovered your blog and absolutely love your journal pages... fabulous. Thanks for sharing :)

  14. Martha
    I enjoyed your journal pages and love your lettering. Are you coming to South Carolina-Greenville. If so please come see us at 10 Central Ave. Studios. i can tell you all kind of fun places to go.

  15. These faces are all so beautiful. Really magical!

  16. Enjoy your roll as Gramma...and just'll come back with fresh new eyes and eagerness.

    Your pages are so amazing!

  17. I'm just discovering your blog, and i'm blown away by your talent! Wow! I LOVE your work, it's beautiful!

    Have fun with your grandson. My husband and I are raising our first child, who is now a toddler. It's a tiring, but FUN time. Enjoy.

    I look forward to seeing more of your work, so I signed up to be a follower!

    Take care, Esther

  18. Hi Martha! Your girlies always have such sweet, pretty faces!...Enjoy giving baby Marc lots of grammy kisses all week! xo Paulette

  19. Hi Marthy,

    I sure do miss your daily sparks of creativity!!!!

    I am sure you are having a wonderful time with little Marc, as I am sure you may be getting a wee bit tired!! :)

    See you when you get back!!
