
Monday, March 15, 2010

Church Girl on an envelope

She is on an envelope and I did sketch her in church (I listen better when my hands are moving since my body has to stay still---go figure) yesterday but colored her in later with colored pencils while watching Project Runway. Thank goodness for the greatest invention in TV history--the DVR!! This time they are making a garment from hardware store supplies. I am constantly amazed at their creativity under stress and Anthony Williams, one of the contestants, is hilarious and makes me laugh out loud. Well, so much for that, you might not even watch that show. In the next few days I think I will make a little video of the pages of my Remains of the Day journal. I will sew her into one of the book pages. I have had a blast making this journal--so much that I am going to make two of them. Bernie has been so patient with me. I am a rogue sewer.


  1. She's so pretty and I love the writing in the background too. I would say bad girl for sketching in church but I did'nt go to church so I really can't say anything.Have a great week!

  2. I love that you sketched her in church :) That journal is going to be amazing (I know). I don't watch Project Runway--I have to stay away from these reality shows, because I get hooked. The only one I know I'll never give up is Survivor and of course A.Idol--I don't know if you call that reality, though.

  3. that's one very sweet little church girl!! i love the texture of that envelope, really makes it look like she's been painted on a linen canvas! LOVE your book covers.....i need to get started on mine! xox, :))

  4. Honey you are so good at these!!!
    I can't wait to see her included in her book.

    I signed up for Mary Ann's class way back. I love the look of her books, but when I begin to work on my own I realized it is just too busy for me. So I stopped. I need to go back and work on it, because it does not have to be so busy, I can make it fit
    me. :) I am really anxious to see your, because I know you will take what you have learned and make it "Martha"

  5. Hi Martha,

    I've given you a blog award. You can find out all about it on my blog.

