
Monday, March 8, 2010

...and He will direct your paths

I have felt like being a calligrapher these past few days finding all these pieces that needed lettering on them. On this one I didn't plan anything as you can see because I ran out of room. This is on Arches Text wove paper (love Text wove!) with walnut ink. Yummy surface to write on. Yum yum...I used Dr. Martin's Bleedproof white.
Actually I am making another big chunky book with all my left over snippets and scraps. Some of the scraps just need...something...This is actually a very old scrap that I made in Judy Melvin's class many years ago. Most of you might not know who Judy Melvin is but if you are a calligrapher out there, you'll probably know! She is one of the superstar calligraphers out there and has been for many years. I love her and we were delighted to have her come here to Jacksonville.She stayed in my house so I really got to know her and pick her creative brain! It was wonderful but it was many years ago. I would love a refresher course and would love to see her again.


  1. Oh, Martha! I love it! love, Love, LOVE it!

  2. The white lettering in perfect on it!
    Your snippets are too beautiful to keep in some fashion, I like your idea of a book.

    Have a wonderful day Marthy,


  3. Beautiful page with a beautiful scripture.

  4. Just lovely. Your outline on the letters is so subtle but has such an impact. It really makes the letters pop! on the page.

  5. hi martha i'm sarah, i found your blog a while back and love your work and the courage and the faith you show in your creations! i wanted to share with you my 5yr old daughter has been home sick from kindergarten for 2 wks. she is excited about learning to write and is always practicing her letters! i showed her your blog and your videos and she is crazy about you! we sat on the bed with the laptop, surrounded by paper, pens, markers, chalk and had a great time! i appreciate you and the chance you gave me to show my star that others are excited to learn. she tells me "mom, we can be like Jesus because we are learning to be creators too!" thx again! sarah

  6. This is so gorgeous Martha. What a great idea to do a book with all your "scraps". Can't wait to see that!

  7. lovely calligraphy! this is one of my favorite bible verses!

  8. Wonderful work! That is one of those scriptures you really can hang onto and remember. I really like the colors you used and white letters.

  9. Needed to see that verse today.
    It goes right along with what He's been teaching me lately.
    And the background is luscious! You are so uniquely talented and blessed by Him.
    Thank you for touching me today.

  10. there is something so fulfilling about transcribing scripture into beautiful caligraphic works of art! What a great idea, to take all your background snippets and write on them!!!! sure and make one of your wonderful videos of you flipping through those pages! I'd love to watch that, it's the next best thing to actually holding the tactile book in my own hands!!!


    ciao bella..thanks for coming by and I'm glad I made you smile today!
    you did too

  11. This is a favorite...I love the colors and your calligraphy is gorgeous!

  12. I so enjoyed my visit to your blog. You make beautiful lettering, and journal pages and collages, etc. When I look through your artwork, I am amazed at how wonderful God is that He gave us this gift to enjoy and share with others! You've inspired me- thank you so much!

  13. Love this! It's one of my favorite verses and your background and lettering are terrific. Judy Melvin is coming this fall to teach at our guild. Can't wait!! I have her book - just waiting for a block of time to read it and put it into practice. :)
