
Wednesday, September 9, 2009


This is a collage of my different painted backgrounds with digi stamps and cool erasers and all created in Photoshop. I love making these collages because you don't have to get your hands messy or even open a jar of Golden soft gel (but oh how I love soft gel!) And no clean up when you are done. I love to do this because it is like exercising and practicing for when you do feel like getting out the soft gel, all the backgrounds and getting messy.
I am up in Greenville with our daughter, hubby and my precious little peanut, baby Marc.
I really didn't feel like dragging out all the art supplies here today. It's fun and it's still an original created by my clean hands---my clean hands are just doing different things. But actually as fun as this probably takes just about as long or longer to assemble the collage this way!


  1. Oh wow! How cool is that. It really came out beautiful!

    Enjoy your kids and Baby Marc! My little grandson will be one in a few weeks!!

  2. Hey, there are lots of variations on creativity. Good for you!

    Have a good visit:)

  3. I love this Martha - just beautiful! Only wish you had an online class for combining Photoshop with calligraphy! (I have an old version of Elements...)

  4. Awesome! And it saves your manicure, too.

  5. LOVE it! this looks like the type of collage that maybe i could do....if i don't like it, i hit "delete"! have fun!! :)

  6. I agree that an online class combining calligraphy/collage/Photoshop would be wonderful. I am teaching myself an older version of Elements, but would love to learn more about combining art and technology.

  7. Oh Marthy, thank you, thank you, thank you. I will humbly accept your generous, wonderful offer. :)

  8. i want to learn to do that in photoshop! it is soooo cool.

    did baby mark sit on yourt lap while you worked on the computer? both of my granddaughters love to sit with me at my mac. they ask me to search for things on the internet so they can see them on my big screen. layla always asks for fishies. so cute!

    enjoy your visit!

  9. Wow! You did an awesome job with your collage! I have to learn how to do that with my art!

  10. It's amazing to think that is digital. WOW!
