
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Stamp Cabinet

I am fairly organized I think although I hate it when supplies are stuffed way down somewhere and you don't know what you have and don't use it. My stamps are one of these things. I absolute love stamps and actually I have many more stamps than you see here but I try to put out the stamps that I am using now at my reach. I love the script stamps and use them all the time with my mixed media pieces. I have a bunch of clear stamps that are neatly organized away in a notebook---and with these clear ones-- out of sight--out of mind---so I think I will pull them out and organize them in my new chest. Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Great idea Martha!! I went to Hobby Lobby the other day and was floored with all they had. I think they had more supplies than Michaels!!

    Love you new banner, and I love when you do videos - I get to hear your lovely southern drawl. You have a soothing voice.

    Have a great Saturday!!

    Oh, I signed up for your class. I have tried calligraphy on my own, not to successfully. I am left handed - I know lefties can do this, but I had a difficult time.
    Gonna try again, I really like the look of the lettering in journals, and even if I do not get it quite right that is okay with me.

  2. Love the new header too, Martha!! I need to make something neat up for my blog too!! I haven't been painting too much this here and all those outside summer chores!!
    Loved the video...cute shelf!! It is always nice to get organized and be able to find things when you need them. And actually *SEE* what you do!!!
    Have a lovely weekend! Not too long til your class starts and I'm excited!!

  3. Hi Martha, I discovered you through Lori's blog :). I have to say you are extremely clever and I'm so excited for you! To organizing your supplies in a beautiful yet functional way must be a thrill. I'm jealous of your beautiful scripts stamp collection, too!

    And your doggie saying cute was that? Thanks for the post. You gave me such great ideas. Warmly, gina

  4. delightful chest and great idea! i keep my stamps in a rolley cart right by my work desk. it makes my life so much easier than rooting around in the closet.

  5. I love the idea of storing the stamps with the cardboard stamped withthe design behind the actual stamp and just flipping through. I still struggle with the storage of my stamps and like you I agree out of sight out of mind. And when I'm in a frenzy of stamping I just want to grab one and go. I wish I had room for a little cabinet like that. I must put my thinking cap on as to how I can fix up a storage area to do that in. Thanks for sharing Martha! Great idea!

