
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Calligra-FUN Started Today!!!

I am so excited to get started with the class today!! If any of you who are taking the class need to email me or send a blog comment question that will be just fine--or you can comment me in the ning site. I will be glad to help you in any way!!! 


  1. Absolutely one of the best classes I've taken on line. Thank you so much! Have been writing all afternoon/evening. It's addicting. Do you plan to post a PDF or pic of the capital letters?

  2. Hi Sherry--Yikes--did I forget the caps!!?? I need to do that. I will do that when I get home. I am visiting baby Marc and will be home Saturday. Thanks so much!!!!!!!!

    And thank you so much for your positive feedback!! I am so happy you like the class!

  3. Hi, Martha,

    I just registered today. I have never taken an online class what happens next? Do I get a DVD or all online?


  4. Hi Martha,
    I have just started with CalligraFUN and I love it!!
    It is so. much. FUN!
    I can't wait for the next one (right after I finish my work). Also, thanks for your help yesterday.
