
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Watercolor "Wash" Day

Just playing around with some watercolor this Sunday afternoon while my mounds of clothes are washing. (My mama always said you shouldn't  wash clothes on Sunday--and she never did) I never understood that unless it was an old Baptist Sunday day of rest thing that she learned. Anyway, Mama really wouldn't mind if I was washing. She probably be glad I was tackling these growing mounds. 

These are just little quickie things and here at the house my scanner isn't very good so they really do look better in real life.  Excuses excuses....


  1. oooh, you know how much i LOVE your little watercolors! what a great "laundry day" activity! these would look great on cards!! :)

  2. Lori is right...they would make the cutest cards! Ever thought of coming out with a line of cards? Some with a small painting and verse on them. Good idea! Enjoying your blog as always!! Have a blessed Sunday! Hugs, Sue
    (who is spending the day inside drawing because it is raining...darn :-)

  3. I think they look GREAT!
    I was thinking cards too. LOL.

  4. Ohhh, I think these are lovely. And that washday thing./ My grandma always did double duty on Saturday, washing, cleaning and cooking so she all she had to do on Sunday was church and feed the family. we all gathered at grandma's after church. (No wonder she did all that cookin' on Sat. LOL) You sure made some lovely paintings with your watercolors. Theses would be pretty as fronts of gift cards.
