
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dear Lord

I have had out of town guests staying here with us for a few days. They are leaving today. I have really enjoyed having them but it's hard to do art when you have to do hospitality. (That is an art form too but I don't know how to blog that!) So, sometimes I will reach back into the archives and bring up something. I wrote this several years ago and I still think it is funny and laways relevant. The letters are Italic capitals and the title is done in Versals.

Have a happy Sunday everyone!


  1. This lettering is so beautifully done, and the prayer itself is cute, too.


  2. Thanks Martha for the comment.
    This is so hilarious!! I love it...
    is this for sale on ETSY???
    Good luck with your company, I know what you mean...if you don't have time for art you are probably being a SUPER hostess!!!

  3. Oh, This is very relevant in my life right now. I love the lettering, very pretty and easy to read. The colors of the title are wonderful. My word verification for this post is trust. Yes, we must trust in prayers, even comical ones.

  4. oh yeah, once i get out of bed, it's downhill from there! :)
