
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Two-Minute Ditty

In 2009 I am going to start including a new feature to my blog (at least that's my plan for today)!  Sometimes a great masterpiece (ha ha) just doesn't come every day so I have decided to post my "Two-Minute Ditties." These are little paintings that really do take about two minutes or less and are extremely fun to do and will be posted whenever a great daily masterpiece didn't get finished up for the day (hee hee). I might even post some "Ten-Minute Calligraphy" also but---we'll see about that one. As I said, that is the plan for today---it could change tomorrow!
Arte Diem!!


  1. i could try a two-hour ditty and still not paint something worth looking at! you amaze me!! :)

  2. You did this in two minutes? Wow, You impress me so. I am forever amazed at your wonderful abilities.

  3. Wow, how awesome to complete such a beautiful piece of art in such a short time. Love it.
