
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Poppies in the Green Field

This is one of the last lessons in the Michelle Brown watercolor class. I will miss her wonderful accent and her quirky and endearing personality. In these lessons you can tell that nothing is scripted. She just goes for it with her painting examples and all turn out extremely beautiful. And she is a bit unorganized which only adds to the fun.

The background of this one is the Saran wrap technique which gives an interesting effect. It is one of my favorites techniques to do. This painting is 11 x 14. The Poppies are piling up! I have a true Poppy field right here in my studio!


  1. martha...i found you through random notes your work...are you in jax? i am on amelia island...perhaps we can meet someday...i love to connect with other artists...hugs, rebecca

  2. i'm so glad that you enjoyed the michelle brown class so much. you have really painted some beautiful poppies! and how fabulous that you now have a poppy field right there in your studio! :)

  3. Perhaps a Poppies book is in order? That would be lovely, sitting on a sunroom table, waiting to be picked up and cherished. Bringing brightness to a dull day or inspiration to a blanked mind. Your poppies are so beautiful.

  4. Great Idea!! A book really would be great.

  5. More wonderful poppies, and I love the saran wrap background too.
