
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Only the Angels Could Sound Sweeter

She is 16 x 20 and is a companion to The Sight of Stars. I wish I could get a better photograph. I have this fancy camera and still I don't really get good pictures sometimes. I really need to take a photography class, just so I will at least get the lighting right.

I am also thinking of some New year's resolutions. But I have a hard time sticking to them. Let's see....think of others before myself, read and study my Bible more, try not to think nasty and judmental thoughts. Ok, that should hold me for the first few minutes of 2009!
But thank you, Lord, for your forgiveness, mercy and grace!!!!! :)


  1. She is beautiful and has such a sweet look about her. I also love the background and her dress. Fabulous piece of art Martha

  2. Amen to all that! Love the new artwork! I've got to get back up stairs. Haven't painted in over 3 weeks. The holidays just took over all my spare time.

  3. she is wonderful. i particularly like her hair and lips!! i've not made any resolutions yet but i love yours!

  4. she's beautiful, martha!! i've missed seeing your sweet girls... :)

  5. Martha,
    I love the new painting. Your backgrounds are so intricate! When is your show going to be at reddi-arts? That's so exciting for you!!

  6. this is really lovely! Such beautiful colors you've used!~

  7. She is exquisite. I love the detail in the background and the beautiful gem on her dress. Wonderful ! I too am shying away from a New Year Resolution. I never seem to keep them. I would rather ask for love and guidance throught this new year mixed with a heaping of health and a smidgeon of prosperity. These are the things I pray for from the coming New Year and HE does answer prayer. Blessings to you and a Happy New Year,

  8. She is beautiful!

  9. Beautiful, just found your blog via a comment you left on Lisa Lecturas blog. Blogs on blogs on blogs. Glad i have found you, love your work and am adding you to my list of blogs if you don't mind, feel free to stop by :-)
